Wednesday, 23 December 2015

__---*Awe*Aww*---__Eh? - by Stephen D. Ross

'Sky Gate' - A painting by Ayman Abou Elela, CEO Sky Express, Alexandria, Egypt
 A very generous gift, Thank You Ayman :)
__...---*** Warning - If easily offended please do NOT
attempt to reveal whats under the
ginger pussies kilt.
Thank you
Aww  <->  Eh?
Aww  <o>  Eh?
Aww  <->  bah!
Aww  <>  Aah!
Awe aww?  <-> Awe YAH!
 Or as I sometimes like to say...
Awe heys, awe ho’s, awe hey!, a he hose
Aww haze, aww hoes, aww woes,
Aww wait,
Aww what! 
Aww, she close bros
Aww ways more whoa's when she closed.
More AWE next time she unclothed Brother.

Ya get meh?

Awe verses Aww

Do you get me now brothers and sisters?

Awe rays, aww colds, AWE LOVE, aww holds.

Always be bold, all ways be bright,
Fight for your right to wisest insight!
Fight for your love or fight for your truth
Fight?For what's right lights within you.

Or cease fighting, so that Truth and Love,
Don’t have to fight each other no more.
And always, Always in ALL ways,
Be compassionate and honest with
Who ever it is you wish to behave.
Especially when the person you are behaving
Is the one we call you and whom we all call I.
Try to accept that whatever you believe, discover or have found out.
Might not be true for anyone but you.
Make peace with that.
It's OK to be ok with that.
Now reeaad that again pleeaase.

Thank you
But...She say he, be very very bold – Zzswot I'm told...

Maybe she was trying to be amusing or clever or something,
Are you sure she wasn't just teasing or testing you?
Maybe he was testing himself,
He was standing on a stage after all.
In a Santa Suit!! Doing you a favor,
It was Christmas. Peace and goodwill to all mankind?

No way! Very Very Bold. Outrageous, just lOOk!!
Mysognystic word filth! WORN! Wordcore worn, Word porn.
Hidden in plain sight 'beside the words'
He pretends he doesn't want people to see, but he does
Just off in the background. A bit obvious really....If this is the first hidden text you have found Congratulations! You have an enquiring mind with attention for detail. Unless you were cheating.
(I'd just skim past this bit if I was you, but you didn't! or did you? ;) Hahha! Cult Suckeh? )

Awe hey a she holes, awe awe, awe she folds,      ({})
Awe hey a she holes, awe awe, aww she folds 
Aww hey a she holds, aww awe, aww she folds 
Awe hey a she holds, awe awe, aww he holds too
Aww hey a he holes, aww awe, aww she holds back
Aww hey a he holds, aww aww, aww she scolds

(...too much like nagging I guess, 
..he tries a different approach)

Awe hey a he ho’s,
He he or hoe ho's?

Gently he approaches her stealthily _-*-_ SHhh! this poem talks about PUSSY a lot.
Her _-D-_ fences exposed                        /\-v-/\  <-- yes, Pussy. On back spread eagled Rhianna,
He addresses frozen expression             ( - . - )   <-- Poker face, come n get meh Lady Gaga
Caresses firstly her curvacious pose      ( . )( . )    <-- Tits, quite clearly, rather too large for me.
Carefully slicks her brambling rose       / /  ({})  \ \  <-- This is what I call a kitty kilt cu*t
Thorn prickles forth, as he grows             / /  | |    <-- An erection, yes, of the hard cock variety
Full on sucking of toes                           (...)  (...)   <---Foot fetish for the hell of it
Avoids her picking her nose                       /*\    <-- It's the tip of a Cock! (picking her nose if u like)
And she responds... oh ravish me baby!  o| |o  <-- lol, cock and balls *giggle* _-*-_
                                                        A cat called Tango
He moves her..... with a crane!

Her _-d-_fences relax.....Her emotional fears and unconscious defence behaviours relax
All other defences melt away.
She removes her _-a-_ _-b-_ {_-c-__-d-_}!
She receives his _b_ _c_ steamy _-d-_ shows...His ancient steamy cock, yes it really is this filthy
Her _-c-_ fences swollen, his _-b-_ senses stolen
His _-D-_ sense behoven to her _-C-_, tense and swollen.

Its at this point all sense really fly's out the window......they start shagging whoo hoo!!

Awe hey a he he           \
Aww ways a ho ho         \
Away a he-she                  \
Aww maybe she be            \
Awe nay she a she! ..           > This is supposed to sound like shagging #onomatopoeia
Awe aww she be she          /
Awe yeah he see she       /
Awe awe she _-d-_ free  /
All say a tee hee            /
a tee hee, a tee hee       /

She is? Oh she is, is she..                               CLIMAX 
So, completely open and naked you say?..           ORGASAM   VvCUMMINGvV
We’re talking a different kind of folding now brothers and sisters

Awe hey a he holes,           \
Awe aww.                            \
She didn’t hold back.            \
Awe aww,                                > She cumms again, he ejaculates. Multiple syncronised orgasms.
Neither did he!                      /                                                                          Beautiful
Aww who gives a shit,        /
That was AWEsome! Eh? /

Hymn, hymn-hymn, hymn    \
Hum, hum-hum, hum              \
Her her-her her him-him           > Finding out she's pregnant
fo her an him –                        /
Fo' hippidy hoppity hymn     /
And fo' you.                        /

Hum her hymn to humour her          \
Sing her hymn, fo' her an him            \
For him an her foe Hymn an hur hur   \
Not foe Hurm him or harm her              > Pregnancy
Hum his choon too sometimes, baby   /
fo' you                                                 /
Or more fool you.                             /

Awe aww! and she FOALS,                   \
Awe aww and she holds                           \
Awe aww and he holds,                             \
Awe look.                                                    >  Birth, from the adults perspective
Awwwww look, he's holding the baby!!   /
And this time she un-folds.                      /
With pure love.                                       /

Try having a little fun you lovely maniacs.  \
We only live once - apparently.                        >  Birth, from the babies perspective
Make your time count!                                 /

A hippidy hoppidy,                                  \
Clippidy Cloppedy                                    \
Pippedy Poppedy                                        \
Happidy Hymnedy                                       > Childhood
Hmmm, Hymn. Hmmm, Himedy               /
Hurm Hmmm, Hurm Himony                   /
This is the hymn of Hermany Himony.    /

Have him hymn her choon, you say?                               \
Have her hum his chewie yoon too!                                  > Young Adults
Harmoniously, together and fully in love, tunefully        /
For her and him to be, for all the world to see. Tuned.  /

Together, whatever the weather.   \
Ho’s ho’s a he haze                         \
Who’s hose a she says?                    \
Which hose a he says?                       \
Those throws from you knows            \
Those throwed hose?                            \
The trousers not the pipe type                > Sexually active partnerships
I thought you meant my.... COCK !!    /
Hehhe, nevermind.                             /
Aww we ok?                                     /
Awe we oh kay today?                    /
Eh hey?                                         /
Today.                                          /
Aww we o k ?                            /

Well we were until you couldn’t get your head around that ring thing from the other day honey bee

For hymn, the horney bee might just get-it-together    \
To get her pretty bee to sing,                                          \
To let her shitty Bea go, sting                                          \
For her, yes her, not just for him                                       \
For more adoring, for play to swim.                                   \
To assist with gathering her hearts' parted soul figments     > Dysfunctional Engagements
To assist encouraging his arts parts to play, whole             /
And acknowledging her part to play whole also               /
For her arts to start and for his heart                               /
Well, it is a-part of/from hers now.                                /
Farewell Lenny,                                                           /
I miss you.                                                                  /
And thanks.                                                               /

Ahh Ha Ha ha-ha,
Ohh no Ho Ho-ho! 
Merry Christmas!

Have a very merry Christmas everyone
And goodnight, Clunk!
Duh ya get meh bruvors an cistors?

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Performance Poetry Special Aired 12th July 2014

I collected a selection of impressively talented London based performance poets together for a Saturday night special on Radio Wey.
Presented by Robert Chantler originally broadcast on 12th July 2014.

1:40 - 15:10 - Rebekah Shaman - Author of 'The Shamans Last Apprentice'
'The Goddess' - 5:20- 8:25
'Evolutionary Pathways' - 10:00 -12:30
15:45 - 23:40 - Jah Mir Early - Improv Poet, Host of Spoken
'Mammas Gun' - 17:35 - 19-30
'I've fallen off my skaeboard recently and I'm in Weybridge' 20:00 - 21:30
23:45 - 34:40 - Louise Etheridge - Copy Writer, Author, Smutty Poet - 23:45 - 34:40
'Boobs' - 27:25 - 29:00
'Safe Word?' 30:55 - 31:35
34:40 - 35:45 - On memorising poems
36:00 - 37:00 - Jah Mir improvises a poem about turnips
37:15 - 53:00 Sara Hirsh - 2014 UK Slam Champion, World Slam Championship finalist (3rd)
'What a way to make a living' - 41:20 - 45:00
'Five little words' - 46:20 - 49:10
53:00 - 1:07:30 - Daisy Thursten Gent - Story Telling Poet
'Space?' - 58:30 - 1:02:35
'GB' - 1:03:25 - 1:07:15
1:07:50 - 1:41:00 - Stephen Ross - Tir Na Saor Poet Laureate
'Loves Captivity Beckons' - 1:13:20 - 1:17:50
1:21:15 - 1:23:40 Jah Mir recites 'The Goldfish Poem'
'The Solar System Revealed' - 1:24:25 - 1:28:15
1:28:30 - 1:57:00 - General discussion about the creative process and writing poetry.
'What is God?' 1:39:10 - 1:41:00

Monday, 30 November 2015

Questions, Riddles and Solutions - A Love Song in Three Parts - by Stephen D. Ross the PoeRedTree Pirate

"To think for yourself you must question authority 
and learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable, open-mindedness; 
chaotic, confused, vulnerability to inform yourself.”
― Timothy Leary  

J'Zpzzt, your ATTENDlION please, your ATTENTION please.
Psszt, This is an ANNOUNCEMENT. Jzzt...

this transmission is case sensitive
 mission is CasES senSITive
C as ES sen SIT i've
C E'S SIT, as sence i have

See ease, sit, as sense I have...dzzt.
Frequency Modulator stablising...
decoding cipher - online. 
Translation Nanites receiving....
Personality Modulator activting...
Charisma protocols [intriguing; joyful; fun] engaging...
Illumination 0n print: Nanites transmitting...

thats better, 
relax now, take it easy, sit down, enjoy the show
have some fun    smile a while.
sense the enlightening experience,
a journey through Rhythm and Rhyme,
some of the time, but always with Love
  <O>    <O> 
I've got a few things I'd like to share.
To get off my mind...Can you open
I mean...what I mean is...
Can you open your heart AND relax your mind$

Critical Thinking: data stream inoculated.
Emotional Expression: valve matrix opening...
Fear Response Matrix: at 5% and holding.
Illuminati 0n Imprint: protocols engaging....

pzzt...conditioning complete...txt.

Bleep - - - Upload initiating....3....2....1...
'Shakespeare - The Complete Works' - upload complete.
Alpha Illumination Sequence engaging... 
morality paradox excercise loaded.

To be or not to BE, that is the question

To see or not too SEE, is the difficulty, right?
Do you really see?…, you do see Right?
Or wrong. 
Or you See RIGHT from WRONG.
Or SEE Right as Wrong
Or See that wrong is sometimes right 
Just as right is sometimes wrong

beep - Logic Matrix excepton - *warning* - does not compute.
Logic sequence rebooting...

TZ'zt...Hmm? thats odd, re-configuring...
<O> <O> <O> <O> <O> <O> <O> <O>
Bypassing THEOS conduit, re-calibrating pineal cortex.
 Personality Matrix receiving. Transmitting Prototype 371L3 protocols, complete.
...Initialising, Second times a charm...tsst.
Curiosity patch installed.
Confidence patch installed.
Irrational Creative Reasoning Patch installed.
Pattern Recognition Overlays installed.
Cognitive shielding protocols resequencing...
Sheilding releasing...
ELOGOS conduits open.
Acceptance expression markers rising.
Switching to Illumination sequence Omega... 

It's not too long a song in all honesty,
But know that with absolute certainty,
Right and wrong most definitely ARE,
Merely two sides of the same, faultlessly faltering, coin. 

ARE but, no but - Are but, yes but - are buts, no buts, no more buts
Get off your butts and SING!
Hymn, hmmm, him. Eh? What's he on about?
What's he doing? I don't know, but I don't trust him! 

tzzt Warning!! -Paranoia response matrix overload.
!!Key String Projection detected!!...
Flipping Protocols...
Prototype 3L173 requiring restart,
Initiation sequences rebooting in 3...2...1...Realeezee....
Paranoia matrix decativated.
Symbol patterning relays online.
Pattern Recognition Analysis seeking.... 

To do or not to DO, is the Doo-Do problem
And it often results in painful or uncomfortable crap
True shit! Of or in, one form or Another.
But sometimes the results are !GOLDEN!
You do know this right? ;)
If your not sure…try to relax,
Stop being so very serious, 
It is meant to be fun ;)
Engage your sense of humour? 
Because when we think it 
It becomes IT and it IS,
So very Very VERY important.

The solution? Well that’s a riddle too!
To do it merely or meekly, uniquely obliquely
To do it chicly, or weakly or indeed to not do it at all.
Seek and ye shall find, or merely peek _.-*-._
-_-Y-_- to waste some loving time -_--_-

Tzzk. Symbol Analysis Interupt: results coalescing...
_.-*-._ expresses: being peeks over wall; star; stare; aware; <o>
-_-Y-_-  expresses: two beings being together; Y=why
-_--_- expresses: two beings loving together; ♥=love
<o> expresses: being with arms over head; looking; eye; I; joy; frustration
Symbol analysis complete.
Embedded String Analysis Interupt: results coalescing...
KEY LESSON 1. doing is painful or golden.
KEY LESSON 2. your being to sence-think is important.
KEY LESSON 3. becomes Very Well meekly or merely time.
Bleep...WARNING: Key lesson 3. expression exceptions - ambiguity; unclear:
Probability Grounding Matrix processing...
Analysis complete beep. (88% probability)...
    Espresses: Manifests very well meekly; leave to time.
    Key lesson 3. Report (96% confidence)
MSG IMPLIES: do it well meekly or leave it to time.
Embedded String analysis complete.
Proceeding... ttxxt.

A mere spittle of whittled prickles,
And prittled prattled, nursery rhymes.
And the whines, whine on
And On ANON.
Down the line, drinking wine, being - fine? 
But oh Oh! OH such precious time.

Time is the most precious thing we've got,
And we haven't got a lot!!
So pray, oh please do pray, 
With party starting master
Seek to complete yourself today 
So we can PARTY a little faster!

To love Love and to be LOVED is an answer.
Be NOW, whatever you wish!
Don’t think about it too much,
Be with it! Do, be it, then DO it
And then you will really BE IT 

And that is a solemn promise.

Tzzk, Fear matrix response - Suspicion markers rising...
Uncertainty Principle ascertaining...
Confidence Acceptance patch installed.
Ego/Humility patch installed.
 Pressure Release protocols initiated.
Fear response markers....stablising... 
Standby... tzzt.

And as for wishes that come true?
Well they always come from the heart.

May the sun shine bright upon you all day long
For so much to go right and so little to go wrong
May those you love bring that love back to you
And may all the wishes you wish come true!

Language de-compositon re-coding...
Relational Symbol Data Filters processing...
Nanite Logic compiling...
Filters installed..seeking...
Standby please... tssk

To _-b-_ or not to _-B-_ that is the question
To _-do-_ or not to _-DO-_ is the problem
To _-c-_ or not to _-C-_ is the challenge
_-22b&2b♥’d- _ is the answer

That really is _.-D-._ answer
_-d-_ Answer my friend, is blowing in the wind.
_-Oh-_ _-D-_ ANSWER is blowing in the wind
_-do-_ _-be-_ _-c-_ _-Be-_ _-C-_ _-.-_
_-Do-_ _-*-_ _-BE-_ _-♥-_ _-.-_

Tssk. Symbol analysis interupt.
Processing symbolic encoding. Results coalescing... 
_-b-_ expresses: tertiary being = Elogotic capacity low.
_-B-_ expressses: primary BEing - Elogotic capacity high / essential.
_-do-_ expresses: tertiary doing - Elogotic capacity low.
_-DO-_ expresses: primary DOing - Elogotic capacity high / critical.
_-c-_ expresses: tertiary seeing; Elogotic capacity low.
_-C-_ expresses: primary SEEing; Elogotic capacity high / essential.
_-22b&2b'd-_ WARNING: symbol complex does not compute, skipping...
_-D-_ expresses: THE; Thee; divine; we; breed; Deed; SEED.
_-d-_ expresses: the; duh; dunce; we; breed; dead; seed.
_-Oh-_ expresses: Omega; open; ohm; completion; elation; fear; see _-O-_
_-be-_ expresses: tertiary being; see _-b-_
_-Be-_ expresses: secondary Being - Elogotic capacity moderate.
_-.-_ expresses: Alpha; bowing; begining; gratitude; supplication; surrender.
_-BE-_ expresses: primary BEing; see _-B-_
Language transformation complete...
    Embedded Strings found: 0
Symbolic Expressions found: 14
    Expressions resolved 13, no threats detected.
    Expressions unresolved 1, WARNING**
**Threat Analysis: unresolveable expression exception.
** Risk to Mainframe: improbable in context.
    **Resolution: disregard as unresolveable exception error.
Symbol Deciphering decoding complete.
Please standby...Tsskt.

Awaken to your own enlightened self

Give yourself permission to try. Figure it out!
And once you do, for all most certainly can. 
You will be - and once you be for long enough, 
You will eventually see and when you do see
You will know what must be Done 
In being you, You will SEE how to Do it

And once you overcome and succeed in your Doing
-((Nnngh, it's hard, plop! Ahhh))-
You will be illuminated,

You will now be able to understand
You'll Be Able to grow
and you too will know
How to BE the change,
That YOU wish,
To see in this world,
And the results of all your BE-ings and Do-ings
Will just unfold, into the New DAWN. Amen 

So pray attention ♥♥!, Pay attention to the lessons.
For the Lessons...well the LESSON my friends,
Is in the wisdom, to _-?-_ or not to _-?-_ 

Don’t just use your head for questioning
Use your heart for knowing as well.
Think, but know before doing
You KNOW it makes sense
LOVE is THEE answer!
And love is three,
Hahha J

Where-D's care-z's are yoo huh whooo?...PZzff
Space-Time Will Focus Divine Intent ;)
_-.-_ Teachers, relatives, friends and ancestors, I thank you! WeAreOne _-.-_
Credits picture 1
Shake spear 3. -

Credits picture 2
Eden - I'm Sorry, I can't find the artist.
Gratitude -
Carl Gustav Jung -
Albert EinStein -
Sir Robert Boyle - Unknown artist
Sir Issac Newton - Unknown artist
William Shakespeare - Unknown artisit, Huh?!