And Now For Something Completely Different! (New Science approaching...)
The Cycles of Life Are Spiral
Please watch, very important!!
Social Entanglement Theory - Preface
We are oft to remember the pain
and suffering of our choices and actions far more readily than the luxury, yet in luxury we are prone to forget history. We
forget these histories for they are no longer our own personal experience. Societies in such condition becoming not
so unlike the
blind leading the blind or, dare I say, the indolent leading the sleepy. I wonder if it isn't past time to energise, wake up and
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” - George Santayana, 'The Age of Reason', 1905.
This was later
paraphrased by Sir Winston Churchill when he allegedly said
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
In more flowery terms
"If men could learn from history, what lessons it might teach us! But passion and party blind our eyes, and the light which experience gives us is a lantern on the stern which shines only on the waves behind." - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
I felt it worth repeating, for it is true...repeatedly! We are all
liable to repeating the same patterns and cycles over and over again.
Those patterns may be considered good, bad or indifferent but they
are inherently part of the universal human experience.
gives many humans a sense of security. As we learn and grow however
that regularity can eventually become stale or boring which sparks a
desire for change, propelling us onwards and upwards, through and
throughout the life experience. We learn social patterns of behaviour
and psychological mechanisms of defence that work well allowing us to
feel periods of stability, comfort and safety in a world that is
itself demonstrating patterns of change. The moon cycles through it's
different phases over the course of a month, our planet cycles
through it's seasons over the course of a year and the precession
of the equinoxes cycle through the constellations of the zodiac
over the course of approximately 26 millennia.
humans are all, at times, creatures of habit. Those habits may be
considered good or bad or they may simply be benign. Good habits are
beneficial to both the person demonstrating the habit and to the
social group or groups to which they belong. Good habits are seen to
be positive and improve our experience of living life, both
individually and collectively, so are largely encouraged (but not always). For example,
parents and teachers generally encourage good habits in their
children and students. When left to their own devices however,
without informed and experienced guidance, children and students are
far more likely to develop bad habits. This would also seem to be particularly
true of adults who likely
consider themselves neither a child nor a student and may in fact be
quite offended at even the slightest suggestion.
In order to protect a delicate or threatened ego (where admitting ignorance or error might cause an ego to feel badly) or maybe to defend an adopted position, adults will sometimes demonstrate a complete lack of wisdom. Commonly throwing reason and logic out the proverbial window. Even, or maybe especially, in the light of informed guidance from an external third party who they may attempt to ignore or discredit. Adults in such a state will very often portray, or may actually believe, themselves to be an authority on something they are not. Opting instead to exert power and influence (or become hysterical), to cover lack of knowledge or mastery, rather than accepting good evidence, reason and logic. If the person concerned is relatively powerless this can be somewhat amusing. If they are powerful however the situation can quickly become dangerous. If cornered an ego defensive adult will invariably seek to dismiss or destroy the validity of anyone or anything that contradicts or challenges their own perception of themself. If it gets to this point the adult has very often stopped listening and will refuse to accept new information or learn. They feel threatened and uncomfortable, usually so does everyone else.
Highly intelligent adults very often demonstrate a complete lack of wisdom when under pressure. While this may seem counter intuitive the psychological explanation that the ego is trying to protect itself from a real or perceived threat to it's own ego identity holds true. Less intelligent adults are equally susceptible to demonstrations of poor wisdom. Though observers tend to be less surprised when this is the case, it's none the less invariably frustrating. The wisdom vs. intelligence pattern is frequently observed and recognised in group and social dynamics. The behaviour might be suggested by some to be qualitatively autistic but is not autism. It's simply a normal, natural and predictable human psychological defence (which can be appear ironically, to be quite offensive).
"Cutting off the nose to spite the face"
In order to protect a delicate or threatened ego (where admitting ignorance or error might cause an ego to feel badly) or maybe to defend an adopted position, adults will sometimes demonstrate a complete lack of wisdom. Commonly throwing reason and logic out the proverbial window. Even, or maybe especially, in the light of informed guidance from an external third party who they may attempt to ignore or discredit. Adults in such a state will very often portray, or may actually believe, themselves to be an authority on something they are not. Opting instead to exert power and influence (or become hysterical), to cover lack of knowledge or mastery, rather than accepting good evidence, reason and logic. If the person concerned is relatively powerless this can be somewhat amusing. If they are powerful however the situation can quickly become dangerous. If cornered an ego defensive adult will invariably seek to dismiss or destroy the validity of anyone or anything that contradicts or challenges their own perception of themself. If it gets to this point the adult has very often stopped listening and will refuse to accept new information or learn. They feel threatened and uncomfortable, usually so does everyone else.
Highly intelligent adults very often demonstrate a complete lack of wisdom when under pressure. While this may seem counter intuitive the psychological explanation that the ego is trying to protect itself from a real or perceived threat to it's own ego identity holds true. Less intelligent adults are equally susceptible to demonstrations of poor wisdom. Though observers tend to be less surprised when this is the case, it's none the less invariably frustrating. The wisdom vs. intelligence pattern is frequently observed and recognised in group and social dynamics. The behaviour might be suggested by some to be qualitatively autistic but is not autism. It's simply a normal, natural and predictable human psychological defence (which can be appear ironically, to be quite offensive).
"Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom." - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
By way of
an unfortunately political example one might point a finger toward
the United Kingdom's 2010 coalition government and a certain Conservative
Minister for Education in particular. A government containing
lots of previously competing egos jostling for position and power simultaneously seeking to demonstrate
and exert their new found authority. Upon coming into power, the minister and his government
decided to entirely abandon the previous governments reforms for primary schools. Reforms that came off the back of two
well informed independent expert reviews. Reforms that proved to be very popular with primary school teachers and children. Reforms which were producing real improvements in the rate and quality of education for primary school children.
The decision was bewildering to many educators. Particularly so for those who had already adopted the recommendations at some expense and were enjoying those improvements. Many teachers became depressed, demotivated or despondent raising concerns for the future of primary school education. In the schools who adopted the Rose Report recommendations performance and well-being had improved markedly, not only for children but for the teachers as well!
A key finding on page three of Ofstead's Rose Report response explains this as a 'virtuous circle'.
Bad habits are one consequence of working or learning in isolation. Imagine teaching yourself to drive for example, you may well be able to get the car moving and so consider yourself 'a driver' but driving well requires more than simply driving the car. A good driver is able to read the traffic around them and so predict the driving behaviour of others, they interpret and understand the meanings of road signs correctly and are able to adhere to local driving conventions such as staying on the correct side of the road. Bad habits are generally considered to be harmful to the individual or to the extended social groups to which they belong and so are frowned upon.
Benign habits, on the other hand, may define an individuals character and personality. A benign habit may be unconventional but is generally of no particular consequence to the larger collective and so society is usually ambivalent towards them. They are simply something a person does that distinguishes them from others. Usually related to an individuals personal interests and passions, benign habits are more usually called hobbies.
Hobbies tend to motivate individuals to seek out other people with similar interests and thus join a social group of like minded individuals. This serves to validate the individuals passions and interests socially. Hobbies are generally considered a normal aspect of healthy human behaviour and natural development. They only become unhealthy or 'bad' when the activity becomes excessive or continues for extended periods in social isolation. People who fail to connect with others with similar interests become vulnerable to negative social judgement and are at risk of being scapegoated.
In the social context what was an essentially benign activity, habit or hobby can start to be seen as evidence of weird or crazy behaviour. Such social undermining can then be used to project and ascribe blame disproportionately. Serving to further motivate assailable individuals to seek a larger like-minded clique. This in itself is a pattern that can be observed within group dynamics and is evidenced, in the school environment, by the individuating and collective labelling of groups such as Jocks, Nerds, Goths and Stoners etc. There is safety in numbers and many individuals choose to identify themselves within a larger social context leading to the phenomenon of social stereotyping. There are also individuals who seek to resist social stereotyping through maintaining a diverse range of relationships prefering to 'float' between many groups.
The decision was bewildering to many educators. Particularly so for those who had already adopted the recommendations at some expense and were enjoying those improvements. Many teachers became depressed, demotivated or despondent raising concerns for the future of primary school education. In the schools who adopted the Rose Report recommendations performance and well-being had improved markedly, not only for children but for the teachers as well!
A key finding on page three of Ofstead's Rose Report response explains this as a 'virtuous circle'.
By comparison the pattern or habit of one government undoing the good work of a former government is an example of a 'vicious circle'. It might also be considered a bad habit."A ‘virtuous circle’ has been created: children’s increasing command of the skills has led to staff’s expectations being raised which, in turn, is improving the pace and demand of teaching and leading to further success."
Bad habits are one consequence of working or learning in isolation. Imagine teaching yourself to drive for example, you may well be able to get the car moving and so consider yourself 'a driver' but driving well requires more than simply driving the car. A good driver is able to read the traffic around them and so predict the driving behaviour of others, they interpret and understand the meanings of road signs correctly and are able to adhere to local driving conventions such as staying on the correct side of the road. Bad habits are generally considered to be harmful to the individual or to the extended social groups to which they belong and so are frowned upon.
Benign habits, on the other hand, may define an individuals character and personality. A benign habit may be unconventional but is generally of no particular consequence to the larger collective and so society is usually ambivalent towards them. They are simply something a person does that distinguishes them from others. Usually related to an individuals personal interests and passions, benign habits are more usually called hobbies.
Hobbies tend to motivate individuals to seek out other people with similar interests and thus join a social group of like minded individuals. This serves to validate the individuals passions and interests socially. Hobbies are generally considered a normal aspect of healthy human behaviour and natural development. They only become unhealthy or 'bad' when the activity becomes excessive or continues for extended periods in social isolation. People who fail to connect with others with similar interests become vulnerable to negative social judgement and are at risk of being scapegoated.
In the social context what was an essentially benign activity, habit or hobby can start to be seen as evidence of weird or crazy behaviour. Such social undermining can then be used to project and ascribe blame disproportionately. Serving to further motivate assailable individuals to seek a larger like-minded clique. This in itself is a pattern that can be observed within group dynamics and is evidenced, in the school environment, by the individuating and collective labelling of groups such as Jocks, Nerds, Goths and Stoners etc. There is safety in numbers and many individuals choose to identify themselves within a larger social context leading to the phenomenon of social stereotyping. There are also individuals who seek to resist social stereotyping through maintaining a diverse range of relationships prefering to 'float' between many groups.
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High School Cliques |
habits and negative behavioural patterns are formed through an
individuated human experience of learning in relative isolation
within a larger social context. Generally you only really have a bad habit
in relation to the habits and collective consensus of others. A habit is bad if it is
judged to be causing distress or harm, either to an individual
persons ability to be well in the world or to the social cohesion and
function of a more powerful individual or larger collective group.
Good habits are accepted and encouraged whereas bad habits are an
indication that something is out of alignment, not properly
understood or needs to be healed or 'fixed'.
In this
article I am going to explore how the physics of quantum mechanics
may be understood and applied to the human social condition to
objectively understand both ourselves and humanity better. Using the science of quantum
entanglement, as it correlates with human relationship, I hypothesise
that humanity will eventually be able to readily identify and implement solutions
to our most pressing social problems be they personal or collective,
local or international, real or imagined. Ultimately Social
Entanglement Theory may provide a tool to aid social
cohesion, a mechanism to steer the positive evolution of
collective consciousness (growing awareness and learning) and potentially
provide a scientifically tangible framework for healing human
psychology and the ills (inequity and inequality) of our modern contemporary society.
The more recent corporate and social globalisation of the planet may be harder to wrap ones head around. Is it a good or a bad thing? Well I'd suggest it is neither good nor bad, rather the whole system in in a sort of universal balance. Leaning occasionally to the bad side and then eventually to the good. It is a self correcting system that remains both in and out of balance indefinitely.
We as a collective society are still very new to Modern Corporate and Social Globalisation. Thus we collectively lack the same perspective upon it as, we are fortunate enough to have, upon two hundred years of industrialisation. Thus we are less well equiped and less well able to judge correctly the true scope and scale of the effects (both positive and negative) that planetary and corporate globalisation has been having upon the wellbeing of society. Our wellbeing both as individuals and as a collective whole. We are too close and still very much involved. We do not yet quite have the benefit of hidsight upon which to judge benefits vs. detriments that corporate globalisation has been having.
One of the benefits of globalisation might be considered to be the Internet and the resultant Social Media explosion. We have a new found ability to communicate with each other extemely easily, both imediately and at some considerable distance. On the downside, Trolls and online bullying have become a thing. Excessive 'liking' has started to become a danger to individuals mental health. Who could have predicted that too much of a good thing could ever be bad? errr, I seem to have heard something like that before somewhere.
One of the detriments of globalisation and our increasing population might be considered to be Climate Change. On the plus side the weather locally here in the UK seems to be getting better. That of course is not true in all parts of the world. What is true is that weather patterns are changing. Whether these changes are for the good or for ill is not quite knowable at present. Although current concensus would appear to be moving toward a general perspective that these changes to our climate will be soon become very very bad for us as a human family.
What are the true impacts of the by-products of planetary globalisation? Can the benefits of one impact offset the detriments of the other? What other variables need to be considered for this equation to produce a meanful result? Do we really understand the impact globalisation is having upon the well being of our immediate environment and the health and well being of the planet? We are begining to be able to answer some of these questions sensibly and Climate Change is a very hot topic at present. It seems the general consensus is presently moving towards the opinion that Climate Change is caused by Humans and is a very bad thing for the planet full stop! I'm still not so certain but I may be wrong, I frequently am. I am still learning, I always am learning. If I ever stop learning I'll probably be dead.
Logically one would expect that, should the detriments begin to outweigh the benefits, steps would be taken to correct any negative environmental or destructive impacts. It's not so simple or straightforward however because the relative power of the offender (a person, a group or a thing) can skew that logic. For example if a company of corporate executives is benefiting disproportionately by industrialisation such that they perceive their personal environment as marvellous they will be less inclined to pay attention to, or even accept, the damage and suffering their 'successful' involvement with the offending institution is causing to the 'less successful' general population. The factory might be pumping out tonnes of noxious black soot into the local environment for example. The executive can afford to live miles away in an area which is not immediately or directly affected. The relative power and position of the executive in society shields them from the local realities or negative impacts their relative 'success' is having on the less powerful or lower caste 'classes' who simply have to suffer through the smog and dirt the factory creates. The factory is creating jobs for those very same people who are crying foul. For the executive the problem isn't the factory so much as the 'ungrateful' and 'ignorant' or 'jealous' working classes.
“The first step in solving a problem is to recognize that it does exist.” - Zig ZiglarNegative cycles, patterns and habits become obvious in others though are less easily apparent in oneself. Most individuals can see both sides of an argument when it is at a distance, at least to a point. The closer one gets involved the harder it is to retain an unbiased perspective. For example, with the benefit of hidsight, most people living today can see some positive and some negative effects resultant from the last 200 years of rapid industrialisation. Whether aware of them or not we all experience and enjoy the benefits every day. While at the same time we all experience and fear the detriments of that same 200 years period, lets say from the 1700s to the 1900's. We enjoy the benefits while at the same time also fearing the consequences of almost everything we do, pretty much all of the time. Both generally, upon the planet as a human society, and particularly as individual members of that society and inhabitants of the planet.
The more recent corporate and social globalisation of the planet may be harder to wrap ones head around. Is it a good or a bad thing? Well I'd suggest it is neither good nor bad, rather the whole system in in a sort of universal balance. Leaning occasionally to the bad side and then eventually to the good. It is a self correcting system that remains both in and out of balance indefinitely.
We as a collective society are still very new to Modern Corporate and Social Globalisation. Thus we collectively lack the same perspective upon it as, we are fortunate enough to have, upon two hundred years of industrialisation. Thus we are less well equiped and less well able to judge correctly the true scope and scale of the effects (both positive and negative) that planetary and corporate globalisation has been having upon the wellbeing of society. Our wellbeing both as individuals and as a collective whole. We are too close and still very much involved. We do not yet quite have the benefit of hidsight upon which to judge benefits vs. detriments that corporate globalisation has been having.
'ROSALIND: Why then, can one desire
too much of a good thing?
Come, sister, you shall be the priest and marry us.
Give me your hand, Orlando. What do you say, sister?'
Come, sister, you shall be the priest and marry us.
Give me your hand, Orlando. What do you say, sister?'
William Shakespeare - As You Like It, circa 1600
One of the detriments of globalisation and our increasing population might be considered to be Climate Change. On the plus side the weather locally here in the UK seems to be getting better. That of course is not true in all parts of the world. What is true is that weather patterns are changing. Whether these changes are for the good or for ill is not quite knowable at present. Although current concensus would appear to be moving toward a general perspective that these changes to our climate will be soon become very very bad for us as a human family.
What are the true impacts of the by-products of planetary globalisation? Can the benefits of one impact offset the detriments of the other? What other variables need to be considered for this equation to produce a meanful result? Do we really understand the impact globalisation is having upon the well being of our immediate environment and the health and well being of the planet? We are begining to be able to answer some of these questions sensibly and Climate Change is a very hot topic at present. It seems the general consensus is presently moving towards the opinion that Climate Change is caused by Humans and is a very bad thing for the planet full stop! I'm still not so certain but I may be wrong, I frequently am. I am still learning, I always am learning. If I ever stop learning I'll probably be dead.
Logically one would expect that, should the detriments begin to outweigh the benefits, steps would be taken to correct any negative environmental or destructive impacts. It's not so simple or straightforward however because the relative power of the offender (a person, a group or a thing) can skew that logic. For example if a company of corporate executives is benefiting disproportionately by industrialisation such that they perceive their personal environment as marvellous they will be less inclined to pay attention to, or even accept, the damage and suffering their 'successful' involvement with the offending institution is causing to the 'less successful' general population. The factory might be pumping out tonnes of noxious black soot into the local environment for example. The executive can afford to live miles away in an area which is not immediately or directly affected. The relative power and position of the executive in society shields them from the local realities or negative impacts their relative 'success' is having on the less powerful or lower caste 'classes' who simply have to suffer through the smog and dirt the factory creates. The factory is creating jobs for those very same people who are crying foul. For the executive the problem isn't the factory so much as the 'ungrateful' and 'ignorant' or 'jealous' working classes.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” - Albert Einstein
We become conscious of negative cycles and patterns by observing a person or group of people in relative isolation (over there, away from us) repeatedly taking the same action or making same mistakes over and over and over again. This despite (or maybe in-spite of) any consequences or undesirable outcomes. These cycles are most especially obvious when those 'mistakes' or actions repeatedly lead to the physical or psychological suffering of others. This is especially compounded when the offending person or group seem unable to accept the effect (affect?) their impact is having on the collective well being of others. This inability to reach consensus and communicate clearly means that new approaches rarely seem to be considered or if they are considered they are seldom implemented. The lessons never seem to be learned, The status quo is maintained and the offending person or group appears stuck in the same apparent increasingly destructive circle or cycle.
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Plan and Elevated Perspectives |
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
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than a closed circular cycle from which there is no hope of escape
these patterns can be considered from an alternate perspective to be
rather spirals of experience. Spiraling cycles that we move through repeatly, either up or down, to higher or lower levels of conscious awareness and ability.
A 'virtuous circle' or cycle, such as mentioned in Ofstead's response to the Rose Report above, raises everyone up whereas a vicious circle brings everyone down.
A virtuous cycle essentially describes a positive feedback loop whereas a vicious cycle describes the inverse, a negative feedback loop. These human experiences are not simply circular therefore. They are rather, forward and backward, upward and downward spiral mechanisims which form the very fabric of life. Spirals describe and provide the fundamental foundation of human being and experience, for living, learning and evolving. Natural development and human experience is therefore spiral by it's very nature, as opposed to simply circular, and this is very good news.
At humanities current level of conscious awareness the masses can see
a major societal problem (growing inequality and inequity) but can't
yet be certain, in sufficient numbers, of the source of the problem
or indeed the solution. Those with power and influence wish to
maintain the status quo whilst the masses, slowly becoming conscious
of their predicament, remain apparently divided yet motivated towards
a collective unifying resolution to their predicament. Many
individuals feel hopeless or powerless with regard to resolving a
problem that is not well recognised or even accepted as a problem by
the Elite. The situation is not hopeless nor are the suffering
people powerless.
A virtuous cycle essentially describes a positive feedback loop whereas a vicious cycle describes the inverse, a negative feedback loop. These human experiences are not simply circular therefore. They are rather, forward and backward, upward and downward spiral mechanisims which form the very fabric of life. Spirals describe and provide the fundamental foundation of human being and experience, for living, learning and evolving. Natural development and human experience is therefore spiral by it's very nature, as opposed to simply circular, and this is very good news.
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Occupy Movement |
we look to recorded history we can see these spiraling cycles have been happening
throughout the ages for as long as records began. The recorded list
of revolutions and rebellions is simply enormous. Before records
began however something did change, not so much a revolution as an
evolution. An evolution of human consciousness, we learned to write
and record human experience. It took a long time but we somehow
developed this ability to create and give meaning to symbols, arrange
them into patterns and interpret them to remember and record
ourselves as a species.
Humanity learned a new
skill and it changed us, we learned a technique to remember our past
by writing it down. By evolving this ability we no longer needed to
rely solely on the story tellers and tribal wisdom keepers who passed the
knowledge of the ages from one generation to the next orally. In some
respects we grew but we also lost something. We gave our traditions
and memories to the page freeing up our mental capacity and providing
an objective foundation upon which to expand intelligence and develop
our environment using technology but I do sometimes wonder if we
somehow lost our capacity to retain and expand the wisdom with which
to use these technologies fairly to their fullest potential for all.
Consider the technology we call money, essentially pieces of paper
brim full of symbols, numbers, letters and images. Money is so
intrinsic to the very fabric of society many hardly consider it a
technology at all nor do they realise that subtle
changes to this technology can, and DO, have massive and far reaching
consequences. We utilise the this technology to transact and do
business. It is the very foundation of modern culture and is
perceived as intrinsic to almost everything we get involved with.
People who have plenty of money are seen to love it, people without can very often be seen to hate it. The concept and function of money itself is simply a system or tool, it's how society chooses to use that technology which dictates it relative merits. If the tool is not fit for purpose it can simply be adjusted just as money has been adjusted many times throughout the ages to serve the populations who were increasingly dependent upon it as a technology of transaction. The technology of money as banknotes was most recently adjusted between 1931-1971 when the backing value was changed from gold, a tangible limited resource, to an intangible seemingly unlimited fiat based entirely on debt. Essentially removing all liability from the banks for the banknotes they were issuing. Banks no longer have to give in exchange anything of any real or actual value for the notes they issue to you. This is what I consider to be the primary source of the rising inequality and inequity we can see in the modern world. Put simply, money needs an adjustment!
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Bank Notes |
People who have plenty of money are seen to love it, people without can very often be seen to hate it. The concept and function of money itself is simply a system or tool, it's how society chooses to use that technology which dictates it relative merits. If the tool is not fit for purpose it can simply be adjusted just as money has been adjusted many times throughout the ages to serve the populations who were increasingly dependent upon it as a technology of transaction. The technology of money as banknotes was most recently adjusted between 1931-1971 when the backing value was changed from gold, a tangible limited resource, to an intangible seemingly unlimited fiat based entirely on debt. Essentially removing all liability from the banks for the banknotes they were issuing. Banks no longer have to give in exchange anything of any real or actual value for the notes they issue to you. This is what I consider to be the primary source of the rising inequality and inequity we can see in the modern world. Put simply, money needs an adjustment!
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Violence is not the Answer!!! Valence is.... |
If there is no external lateral force imposed to change the magnitude, direction or frequency of a cycle we can begin to perceive ourselves as stuck. Eternally repeating circular loops appearing to be neither getting nor going anywhere. In actual of fact we are getting somewhere it's just taking a long and spiraling time. Time required to shift our level of collective consciousness and perspective to understand that none of the experience is actually wasted or unnecessary at all. It is all in fact, objectively and observably, an inherent part of our process of revolution and evolution.
Looking at a regular spiral system from above or below we perceive cycles of circular motion. From top down they may be perfectly regular revolutions, from the bottom up they may seem instead to be frequently revolting. Change the attitude to the elevated perspective of a new dimention and we achieve a more hollistic view (see the 'Plan and elevated perspectives' picture above). Not only do the cycles have a certain rhythem or frequency but they may also have an obvious magnitude and direction. All that is nessesary to spin off onto a new trajectory is an internally or externally applied force to drive the change. If you are involved in applying the force you will have a sense of control and direction. If the force is being applied to you you may sence a loss of control and experience confusion.
"Necessity is the mother of invention." – Jonathan Swift, Albert Einstein, Plato and many more...
Social change requires a quantifiable driver that can be validated and agreed upon to motivate or impel a shift in the magnitude and direction of a society. Historically this has taken the form of an external threat that causes fear, hostile invasion, running out of food, celestial impact etc. The fear of annialation usually serves to force people to do things differently. Right now in the world terms like 'terrorisim' and 'climate change' are being used to catalyse particular changes in society. Whether or not these terms truely reflect our predicament is still a hot topic of debate. Nevertheless they are still being used in an attempt to drive social change. Spiralling cycles can cycle up or down, in or out, back and forth. They can be increasingly frequent (tight); reasonably regular (relaxed); or occasional and open (expansive).
All tight cycles of negative human experience and entanglement can be made less so, usually in one of two ways. First, by simply turning away from or abandoning any habits or entangled relationships that appear to sustain the undesireable pattern. The act of severing the 'unhealthy' relationship or negative entanglement can serve to give, any individual (or group) in a vicious or downward spiral, a sense of gaining control and stability. This very often at the expense of the other individual or group. The second option is less easy but is considerably more fruitful. Option two is to stick with the difficult process in the hopes of eventually understanding the root source of our negatively spiralling patterns and cycles.
This second approach has the potential to raise awareness. One, both or all entangled individuals potentially becoming more aware of themselves and each other within the social context thus enabling a greater range of, potentially better and certainly more appropriate, choices in the future. The first approach does nothing to address the fundamental underlying Social problem or issue and tends to result in the problem eventually re-emerging later in a new context or a different way. The second approach, whilst more difficult and challanging, always tends toward increased learning, progressive development, personal growth and collective evolution. Essentially sticking with your process, respectful of all concerned parties, always eventually leads to better understanding and healthier relationships. The possible rewards for sticking with difficult cyclical spiralling processes vastly outweigh the rewards (or lack there of) of the abandonment approach but if the spirals become so tight as to be excessive, and thus potentially harmful, then it makes sense to postpone or abandon them. At least until such time as entangled participants have developed and grown better coping mechanisms. Such that when the pattern eventually returns and re-emerges the people involved are better prepared and better able to handle it.
For example the MA in Psychotherapy and healing I choose to undertake in 2013 was not properly prepared to handle my Transpersonal Approach to orthodox Psychology. The school convinced me that they were quite prepared to accomodate a student seeking a transpersonal approach to psychology within their egocentric (personal) Freudian/Jungian approach. The school was in truth more concerned with filling their classroom with paying customers than ensuring the suitability of the course for the students (or indeed the suitability of the students for the course). The Society of Psychology and Healing (SoPH) convinced both themselves and me that they would be more than able to accommodate my desired transpersonal approach. This failed, as evidenced by their eventual decision to dismiss me from the course while I was off sick recovering from a severe bout of depression triggered as a direct result of a pychological group process which they considered to be a caring and compassionate investigation. Care by way of serious psychological abuse/assault caused by ill conceived and badly managed Psychological Group processes designed to resolve tensions within the largely female group. the process served to increase tensions considerably resulting in my being scapegoated and unfairly dismissed from a course I had paid for in advance, was never allowed to complete and was never reimbursed for the portions of the course I was not allowed to attend. Essentially I got shafted buy people in authority who were supposed to have my best interests at heart.
The tensions were caused initially by several misunderstandings and two explicit lies. The first lie from the school was benevolent (a white lie). The second lie from a malicious student seeking jealous (and therefore largely unconscious and irrational) revenge. The school was able to justify their abusive behaviours towards their students and the abusive behaviours of the students towards each other by claiming the right to confidentiality. This claim to confidentiality served not only to protect the vunerable but to also protect the deceitful. When one is telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth one has no need of confidentiality protections. In fact obfuscation and secrecy serve only to confuse the issue further. The consequence of this was to drive me to a suicidal depression which I have fortunately survived to tell the tale and produce some new scientific discoveries. Unfortunately however I did suffer enormous levels of psychological torture and abuse and would like to be compensated for my time. I never agreed or signed up for the sort of treatment or group processes that I received. I had enrolled in a Master course to achive a masters and learn the language of Psychologists I was never allowed to finish year one and have never had any of the money, I paid in advance for year two, returned to me.
All tight cycles of negative human experience and entanglement can be made less so, usually in one of two ways. First, by simply turning away from or abandoning any habits or entangled relationships that appear to sustain the undesireable pattern. The act of severing the 'unhealthy' relationship or negative entanglement can serve to give, any individual (or group) in a vicious or downward spiral, a sense of gaining control and stability. This very often at the expense of the other individual or group. The second option is less easy but is considerably more fruitful. Option two is to stick with the difficult process in the hopes of eventually understanding the root source of our negatively spiralling patterns and cycles.
This second approach has the potential to raise awareness. One, both or all entangled individuals potentially becoming more aware of themselves and each other within the social context thus enabling a greater range of, potentially better and certainly more appropriate, choices in the future. The first approach does nothing to address the fundamental underlying Social problem or issue and tends to result in the problem eventually re-emerging later in a new context or a different way. The second approach, whilst more difficult and challanging, always tends toward increased learning, progressive development, personal growth and collective evolution. Essentially sticking with your process, respectful of all concerned parties, always eventually leads to better understanding and healthier relationships. The possible rewards for sticking with difficult cyclical spiralling processes vastly outweigh the rewards (or lack there of) of the abandonment approach but if the spirals become so tight as to be excessive, and thus potentially harmful, then it makes sense to postpone or abandon them. At least until such time as entangled participants have developed and grown better coping mechanisms. Such that when the pattern eventually returns and re-emerges the people involved are better prepared and better able to handle it.
A Personal Story to Illustrate A Tight Cycle of Negative Experience
Please ignore for now, jump
straight to the Alanis
Morrissette video
8 paragraphs
Please ignore for now, jump
straight to the Alanis
Morrissette video
8 paragraphs
For example the MA in Psychotherapy and healing I choose to undertake in 2013 was not properly prepared to handle my Transpersonal Approach to orthodox Psychology. The school convinced me that they were quite prepared to accomodate a student seeking a transpersonal approach to psychology within their egocentric (personal) Freudian/Jungian approach. The school was in truth more concerned with filling their classroom with paying customers than ensuring the suitability of the course for the students (or indeed the suitability of the students for the course). The Society of Psychology and Healing (SoPH) convinced both themselves and me that they would be more than able to accommodate my desired transpersonal approach. This failed, as evidenced by their eventual decision to dismiss me from the course while I was off sick recovering from a severe bout of depression triggered as a direct result of a pychological group process which they considered to be a caring and compassionate investigation. Care by way of serious psychological abuse/assault caused by ill conceived and badly managed Psychological Group processes designed to resolve tensions within the largely female group. the process served to increase tensions considerably resulting in my being scapegoated and unfairly dismissed from a course I had paid for in advance, was never allowed to complete and was never reimbursed for the portions of the course I was not allowed to attend. Essentially I got shafted buy people in authority who were supposed to have my best interests at heart.
The tensions were caused initially by several misunderstandings and two explicit lies. The first lie from the school was benevolent (a white lie). The second lie from a malicious student seeking jealous (and therefore largely unconscious and irrational) revenge. The school was able to justify their abusive behaviours towards their students and the abusive behaviours of the students towards each other by claiming the right to confidentiality. This claim to confidentiality served not only to protect the vunerable but to also protect the deceitful. When one is telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth one has no need of confidentiality protections. In fact obfuscation and secrecy serve only to confuse the issue further. The consequence of this was to drive me to a suicidal depression which I have fortunately survived to tell the tale and produce some new scientific discoveries. Unfortunately however I did suffer enormous levels of psychological torture and abuse and would like to be compensated for my time. I never agreed or signed up for the sort of treatment or group processes that I received. I had enrolled in a Master course to achive a masters and learn the language of Psychologists I was never allowed to finish year one and have never had any of the money, I paid in advance for year two, returned to me.
consensus was eventually reached that the problem for all the issues
appearing in the group was me. This was concluded despite all the
evidence to the contrary. Not least the schools very own assessment report; my doctors sick note; and reams
of emails expressing my plight and suffering requesting the abuse be
concluded. The delusion became so strong that despite all the evidence clearing me of any personal responsibility I was still scapegoated and removed. Dangerously irrational cyclical spirals (in a downward
direction) were largely responsible for all the issues appearing
within the group, all caused by the schools initial deceit to secure my enrollment. My transpersonal approach was identified as one of the underlying
areas of concern rather than one of the schools limitations.
authorities of that school eventually created for themselves a deluded illusion that
I had chosen to leave the course entirely, withdrawing of my own
volition. I had a doctors note stating the opposite yet the school
could not look at or acknowledge it. I informed them I was off sick
suffering suicide ideation and depression due to the excessive
application of pressure and process. I had not left and always maintained that I was being constructively dismissed. The cycling spirals of
abusive behaviour got worse and worse. I was compelled to allow
myself to be subject to this abuse or risk being thrown out with no
recourse to repayment of fees paid in advance in good faith. (This happened to me anyway despite staying the course to the best of my ability. Once the cycles became tight and excessively
psychologically abusive I was
rarely listened to. None of my requests nor my eventual demands
we're ever acknowledge or heard. Rather I was being accused of not hearing
the school and the students. More Irony, I was unable to stop or
temper the abusive process being described as it was by the
authorities as a group psychological investigation.
The harm
was psychological and so very difficult to identify, I did have and
still do have a note from my doctor. A court case is imminent for
even 3 years on the school refuse to accept any liability and have
effectively stolen the fees I paid in advance for the second year which their dismissal prevented me from receiving. Even with written proof
of dismissal the course director continues to maintain her delusion
claiming I withdrew from the course. This is how powerful excessively tight cyclical
social spirals can be. I understand this, almost completely now, as very
tight highly excessive spiraling behaviours caused by a lack of
experience and poor qualification of the school authorities. A similar
situation happened during Dr. Phillip Zimbardo's the Stanford Prison
Video 2. The original Stanford Prison Experiment.
Video 3. The earlier Milgram experiment testing Obedience to Authority
In my own
case the Society of Psychology and Healing required me to subject
myself to independent psychological assessment and for all
students to be subjected to a Psychological Group Investigation in
lieu of a falsely instigated disciplinary procedure that should never
have been initiated. Compliance with the psychological investigation
required and demanded blind obedience to authority. Despite all my
concerns and eventual protests Serious abuse did eventually
predictably occur, both to myself as well as number of other
students. The escalating tight excessive social entanglements were
eventually ended by the authorities through scapegoating the victim,
me. All ties were eventually severed and to this day, some three
years later the school refuses to accept of acknowledge any
The school choose to protect their own original lie as well as the student lie that was later proven to be unsound and inadmissible. As soon as the formal student complaint was found to be unsound the disciplinary procedure should have been wound up. instead a psychological investigational group process was designed and implemented. No consents were formally requested and when consent was explicitly withdrawn, by me, I was isolated, suspended and dismissed. This treatment nearly killed me by way of suicide. This was a very confusing, difficult and dangerous time for all the participants involved, The authorities had them selves convinced they had everything under control. they did not. emotional outburst from the course director herself evidence this. many students were unfairly stressed and I was psychologically abused to the point of uncontrollable rage and suicidal tendency. I almost threw myself under a train after the worst of it so severe lack of awareness being demonstrated by the authorities in charge.
The school choose to protect their own original lie as well as the student lie that was later proven to be unsound and inadmissible. As soon as the formal student complaint was found to be unsound the disciplinary procedure should have been wound up. instead a psychological investigational group process was designed and implemented. No consents were formally requested and when consent was explicitly withdrawn, by me, I was isolated, suspended and dismissed. This treatment nearly killed me by way of suicide. This was a very confusing, difficult and dangerous time for all the participants involved, The authorities had them selves convinced they had everything under control. they did not. emotional outburst from the course director herself evidence this. many students were unfairly stressed and I was psychologically abused to the point of uncontrollable rage and suicidal tendency. I almost threw myself under a train after the worst of it so severe lack of awareness being demonstrated by the authorities in charge.
Over the
following two years I managed to get my emotions under control and
recover from the suicidal depression by visiting Amazonian Shaman in
Brazil, Peru and Ecuador and using their indigenous medicines. All of
this was caused by two fundamental lies, two legitimate student
mistakes and several subsequent misunderstandings from all parties
involved. this is the danger of arrogance by so called
learned-powerful authorities in relation to subordinated subjects.
Such negatively spiralling, irrational and excessive social
entanglement cycles always have a tendency to veer wildly out of
control and lead to horrific abuse to those with no authority or
power. The authorities in their grandiosity projected this onto me
and so justified their abusive behaviour as my deserving it. This abuse was facilitated by a caring and supportive community which resulted in a Post traumatic stress disorder. A community apparently qualified to teach psychology and healing! Now
that, Alanis Morissette, is actually ironic, :)
Alanis Morissette, Ironic, 2007
eventually overcame the emotional and psychological damage caused to me by the schools' imposed group process. At some considerable personal expense to myself. Both in terms of my time and my finances. On the up side, I learned a lot of lessons through overcoming the considerable difficulties which were caused for me by the school. Without the intensely unpleasant experience I probably wouldn't have been able to write what follows regarding my Social Entanglement Theory and the tools for understanding the fundamental basis of thought from a quantum mechanical perspective.
Because of the abuses I suffered at the Hands of that school of psychology I now feel qualified to author and present my 'Social Entanglement Theory' Hypotosis. A rational solution for predicting and understanding, occasionally irrational, human relationships. Both for individual one to one relationships aswell as the more complex larger group dynamics and interactions of international organisations such as Corporations and Countries. Using applied Quantum Mechanics, or more specifically the mathematics of Quantum Entanglement, I will develop and share a rational and scientific methodology for understanding human psychology. With such a methodology or framework available we will all be able to eventually understand ourselves better as individuals and by consequence develop a better understanding and appreciation for each other.
Social Entanglement Theory goes alongside an assessment and understanding of what I believe to be 'The Fundamental Basis of Thought'. If nothing else it provides a language with which to explore and expose that which underlies all human thinking with mind. The awareness of which only became possible as a result of accepting and forgiving the suffering to which I was subjected by SoPH. This fact does not divest the school of liability for systeminc failures in their duty of care for me as their student. Essentially I am still unsatisfied that they stole my money and dumped me from a Masters course I should have beeen allowed to complete. The schools own independent expert concluded as much in his final report.
needs difficulties; they are necessary for health.”
Carl Gustav Jung ,"TheTranscendent Function" 1916
Carl Gustav Jung ,"TheTranscendent Function" 1916
Because of the abuses I suffered at the Hands of that school of psychology I now feel qualified to author and present my 'Social Entanglement Theory' Hypotosis. A rational solution for predicting and understanding, occasionally irrational, human relationships. Both for individual one to one relationships aswell as the more complex larger group dynamics and interactions of international organisations such as Corporations and Countries. Using applied Quantum Mechanics, or more specifically the mathematics of Quantum Entanglement, I will develop and share a rational and scientific methodology for understanding human psychology. With such a methodology or framework available we will all be able to eventually understand ourselves better as individuals and by consequence develop a better understanding and appreciation for each other.
Social Entanglement Theory goes alongside an assessment and understanding of what I believe to be 'The Fundamental Basis of Thought'. If nothing else it provides a language with which to explore and expose that which underlies all human thinking with mind. The awareness of which only became possible as a result of accepting and forgiving the suffering to which I was subjected by SoPH. This fact does not divest the school of liability for systeminc failures in their duty of care for me as their student. Essentially I am still unsatisfied that they stole my money and dumped me from a Masters course I should have beeen allowed to complete. The schools own independent expert concluded as much in his final report.
I managed
to understand and grow rather than fold and die to the psychological unpleasantries. It takes time, space and compassion. Mistakes are
fundamental to learning, taking a hard line simply reinforces the
unwanted patterning and the escalating fear and division makes
learning the lessons increasingly difficult. Western
society no longer condones violence against children. We should
condemn all unnecessary, unwanted and excessive violence, be it physical or
psychological, whatever the justification, against children,
animals, adults and all nations too. Social Entanglement Theory can
be used to define what those acceptable, unnecessary or excessive
levels of violence actually are and it does so empirically in an
objectively scientific way.
can be deceptive. Other people are not our enemies they are merely
our reflections. We are all essentially reacting to our own delusions
and projections into and onto the external environment. The world is
quite well deluded at present, everybody can see it in everybody else
but they can't quite see it in themselves and that's what makes
everything so apparently difficult to understand. To find the source
of all your difficulties in life, look within yourself. You will find
all the answers you need in there. There are answers outside yourself
too but they are often simply projected distractions which we use to
assign blame and make reasoned excuses for ourselves.
In my
casual observations I have noticed violence, both physical and
psychological, invariably comes from a very small number of human
emotional positions or states. Upon deeper reflection I noticed how a
number of these states appear to be inversely linked in opposition to
each other, a relationship of entanglement if you will, by a
projected yet paradoxically reflected symmetry.
isn't so complicated as it sounds, They're simply emotional states of
being which we have all experienced to varying degrees in our lives.
We are very reluctant to admit or recognise our fears, whether they
be real or irrational, but we have all known fear and understand
exactly how it feels. Fear is a spectrum of emotion which spirals and
extends from mild concern all the way down to abject terror.
Conversely, we are extremely good at recognising and expressing our
feelings regarding righteous injustice and indignation! both of these
emotional states I shall use to demonstrate and explain Social
Entanglement. Social entanglement is akin to, and correlates directly
with, quantum entanglement.
Social Entanglement Theory - Introduction
people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking
the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologize for
being correct, or for being years ahead of your time. If you're right
and you know it, speak your mind. Speak your mind. Even if you are a
minority of one, the truth is still the truth." -Mohandas
Social entanglement theory was almost entirely derived from a deeply considered understanding of my own human psychology, which I realised was reflected back at me from quantum mechanics, quantum entanglement particularly. Just to be clear I had described my own psychological 'state' a few years before I ever studied Masters level psychology at my second university. A course that eventually threw me out for unfortunately speaking my mind. Quantum entanglement was first discussed in a 1935 paper by Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen and in several papers by Erwin Schrödinger shortly thereafter, describing what came to be known as the The EPR paradox (Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen). Social entanglement displays all the same characteristics of quantum entanglement and the EPR Paradox when applied to the temporal dimensions of space-time.
What does
that mean? What this means is through the correct application of
quantum entanglement we can model and accurately predict human
potential and human social expression reliably. Jung was correct when
he said 'Man needs difficulties, they are necessary for health' and
this can be verified by social entanglement theory, empirically. I
would suggest instead the term Wo(man) is a better term than Man, for
humanity only exists as fundamental paired units entangled and in
opposition to each other, in this case male and female. There is
nothing wrong with being transgender or gay (or exceedingly happy for
that matter), so long as nobody is causing intentional harm, to
anyone or anything but themselves, they may do as they please. This
is the fundamental law of socially acceptable behaviour.
our difficulties in life are in fact evidence of our healthily
development. Our most pressing challenges and difficulties are
nothing to fear, they are in reality what sustain and develop us.
Unconscious irrational fear is what causes us to hold onto so many
incorrect notions and perceptions about each other and our
environment and this tends us towards concerns of doom and gloom.
There will be no doom and the gloom is slowly lifting, I can assure
you of that. Social Entanglement Theory confirms it. We are in
reality doing okay. We will eventually succeed and I hope to convince
you all of that in this series of articles.
We are
simply in a process of figuring out, both ourselves and our
environment. We are simply learning and our learning is really quite
simple despite many appearances to the contrary. Yet regardless to
the perceived complexity of your own particular learnings or not I
can assure you, collectively we are doing just fine! It just takes
time, the odd glass of wine and the mind-crime chiming your free!,
Free? It's not one? No it's too, and two not four either, oh for
Christ sake! adore the door the answer is three. (Enough with the
puzzling rhymes already!). My
apologies, for I am a simple poet but I'm a serious 'wake em upper',
and that means BUSINESS, this time. Yeah, I'm looking at you Ted. The
people of planet Earth are very busy most of the time, and even when
they're not they're really busy pretending to be.
It's like
we believe there's someone horrible looking over our shoulder or
breathing down our neck the whole time, even when we're supposed to
be relaxing. We don't have to be so busy all of the time. It's time
to wake up and relax a little. It's time to slow down. It's only
because of all these irrational unconscious fears, which we are all
holding onto, that we feel the need to be constantly rushing about.
Trying to stay ahead of the game. Yet we're not quite sure what or
who's game we are playing. By rushing about and doing all the time,
we're constantly making mistakes and missing the majesty of it all.
The only way you can face those fears is to slow yourself down, turn
yourself around and look at yourself objectively. In doing this you
can look into yourself and deal with what you find there. You really
are far lovelier than you might think. And the stuff in the shadowy
parts of you, the stuff you'd rather not look at, just wants to know
you care and love those bits of yourself too. The game we play is
entirely our own but it plays out upon the unified field described by
quantum mechanics and that, well that is really great news! Because
if we don't like the game we're playing, we can change the rules
first rule of Steve is to slow it all down, chill a little, enjoy the
company and relax. Ahh...
better but we can do even better than that. I want you to stop
reading this for just a while and try meditating a little. You don't
have to go anywhere or particularly DO anything, just the opposite.
Have a go and practice it right now where you are. Simply get
comfortable, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. In and
out; in - and – out; longer out-breaths; than in-breaths; and pause
- between - each - one. Go on, do it for a few mins, or as long
as you like, but make sure you continue reading when you come back
from your own subjective reality, I've got some important things to
share with you. I promise it will get better than it might seem to be
at present. It just requires a little bit of effort on your part,
we're getting there, I promise. Now GO! Close your eyes and breath
deeply, nothing bad will happen and I'll still be here when you get
respectful, opposition is necessary for Health.
is rarely attractive or respectful, (mutually consensual competitive
sport being a notable exception) nor is it particularly healthy,
although surgeons are likely to disagree. Violence does however
create many difficulties for us. These difficulties have been useful
in ensuring the health of humanity throughout the ages. The
difficulties which result from violence however are largely
destructive. We must resolve our violent tendencies and learn to
respect each other so we can move beyond violence and make use of
valence instead. Now Valence,
really is difficult to understand! (not really ;)
I believe
we can move beyond violence by applying the theories of quantum
mechanics to human psychology in a practical way. The two are already
linked, to some extent, by Valence. In doing so we will be better
able to describe, and thus understand, ourselves in our relationships
both to each other and to our environment, in a clear and
meaningfully tangible way. Social Entanglement Theory (SET) has the
potential to resolve all of humanities social dysfunctions! Before
that can happen it first needs to be introduced, my bit, it then
needs to be accepted and applied, y(Our) bit.
It is
increasingly less necessary for humanity as a unifying collective to
create difficulties using destructive diminishment. This is what
tends to happen with violence. I would suggest instead that we focus
our attentions, as much as possible, on the difficulties of creative
expansion so we may maintain social health and cohesion as we go. For
we do all live in a creative and expansive universe, as clearly
demonstrated by increasing populations and advancing technologies. To
do this we need to utilise both science and spirituality to explore,
in parallel, our objective-subjective reality for both objectivity
and subjectivity are inextricably and paradoxically entangled.
I would
argue in fact, that violence is completely contrary to both healthy
human and healthy social development. It is rather, a symptom of a
largely unrecognised societal auto-immune disease, a dis-ease that is
very subtle yet highly destructive, that auto-immune disease is
slavery. Opposition is a better marker for the health of humanity.
Opposition is the repulsive force we need to remain healthy but the
repulsion does not have to be repulsive, nor does it ever have to be
violent. Attraction is also necessary for health and the marker for
this is Elegance. SET proves this empirically rather than
hypothetically. In a real and objective way rather than one that is
subjective and unreliable.
We do see
violence in our natural environment however so violence is certainly
natural. It is also eventually forgiveable when the correct awareness
and understanding is brought to bear. Violence for example is
necessary for animals to survive, excessive violence is not. I would
argue that excessive violence is unnatural and therefore a clue that
something fundamental has gone wrong. All humans have the capacity to
use excessive force and so do all animals. Animals however use
violence in a healthy way to eat and establish social hierarchies
amongst themselves. When an animal is frightened or disturbed it can
sometimes react with excessive violence but I have never seen any
animal conduct war.
Wars A Lot.
War is
excessive violence and it is most usually the product of extreme fear
or dissatisfaction. Those fears and dissatisfactions may be rational
or irrational, conscious or not. It doesn't matter, fear is fear and
it causes us all to react to situations in a predicable manner.
Science already knows this and has described the fight or fight
complex to explain it. What is sometimes disregarded is the option to
War is
most usually a reaction to something or an attempt to seize control
of a situation that is believed to have become unmanageable, and so
dangerously out of control. War is also sometimes a tool used by the
powerful to gain control of a resource or group of people. When used
as a tool war is always about a redistribution of power, property or
resource, usually all three. If war is used by the powerless it is
always an attempt to redistribute power, property and resource more
equally. War rather is a symptom, an indicator if you will, of an
unhealthy imbalance. War always involves a frightened society or
group of people subject to an unnecessarily extreme application of
War is
planet uses volcanos to let off pressure. When the pressure within
becomes excessive it lets off steam. If that doesn't work and the
pressure becomes extreme, we have an eruption. Magma, ash and hot air
is spewed out all over the place. The effects are far reaching,
pressure waves level forests, the ash disrupts communities and
grounds aeroplanes hundreds, even thousands, of miles away.
Interestingly the magma makes new land but the lava flows destroy
everything in their 'wake'. Similarly war is also a mechanism.
War is a
mechanism that enables humanity to let off steam when the pressure
becomes too great. War acts as a pressure release for humanity and so
it is also paradoxically a healing mechanism. War therefore is a
paradox and this is why so many of us find it so difficult to
understand. Wars are also entirely unnecessary. Social entanglement
theory once again proves this empirically.
War is an
indication of social disparity, a warning to the collective planetary
consciousness it needs to take corrective steps toward re-balancing
itself. If no corrective action occurs an eruption takes place. When
irrational fears have long since gone and the sense of righteous
injustice and indignation eventually dissipates, all wars run out of
steam and society returns to reform and rebuild something new. The
symptoms and signs of disparity are everywhere, an ever increasing
poverty gap is one. Having one single powerful superstate with no
effective opposition is another and the list goes on and on and on.
summary so far: -
Disparity is an
imbalance; Social disparity is a symptom of an underlying social
sickness. No opposition is unhealthy; opposition doesn't have to be
violent. War is appalling and entirely un-necessary. Social Entanglement
Theory can prove all of this empirically.
* *
* * * * * *
Social Entanglement Theory - Part 1.
is self perpetuating and acts upon the psychologies involved over
great distances. It has a direct correlation to the scientific
concept of repulsive energy at the quantum level, specifically with
regard to quantum entanglement and the unified field. In order to
successfully achieve a unified theory of everything is is necessary
to include everything. What that means is it must describe both
objective and subjective reality in a practical reliable way. It must
therefore accurately model and predict both objective reality which
is measurable by Science; and subjective reality which is experienced
and described by the term Spirituality. Science and Spirituality can
be considered a socially entangled pair. The Science-Spirituality
entanglement pairing.
is one of the weirdest features of quantum physics, it is no
different at the human scale of social interaction. It refers to a
situation in which two “particles”, a pair, share a common
history that makes their futures intertwined. It describes how
actions upon one 'particle' have a direct but inverse effect upon the
other regardless of distance or time. Quantum entanglement happens
outside space-time and this, I would suggest, is why Einstein
considered it 'Spooky'. No-time and no-space is spooky and very very
weird, it cannot be measured but it can be experienced. I'll talk
more about this later in the second article of this series.
is a term that must be construed loosely in the quantum world. For
the quantum, at it's most fundamental level of the unified field, has
no physicality per say. The unified field rather is a field of
infinite possibility. The unified field exists outside of space-time
yet has a measurable and direct effect in space-time, herein lies the
EPR paradox. The term thoughts, imaginings or musings are, I would
suggest, more accurate descriptors than the term particle for the
purposes of describing quantum and social entanglement. It is an
approach that has been previously qualified by scientists like
Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen and Schrödinger who used thought
experiments to accurately determine the nature of quantum reality. It
is therefore a valid approach. Social Entanglement is a real world
practical example of quantum entanglement at the human level of
space-time reality.
fundamental basis of thought
have no physicality and are essentially timeless. They can exist in a
place of no-space and no-time, they also exist in space-time. These
are the characteristics of the quantum universe and the fundamental
unified field which underlies everything. Social Entanglement is a
new theory being introduced by me, in order for me to explain it
properly I must introduce four new terms. The four terms I will
introduce are Musings, Observings, Confusings and Tusslings. They all
essentially form the fundamental 'units' of thought.
Observings, Confusings and Tusslings
often report requiring a Muse to be productive and flowing. Muon is a
term used to represent the type of quantum particles classified as
leptons. For these reasons I shall use the word musing from now on to
describe the particle or rather 'unit' of thought that originates or
is caused because an observer is introduced to the unified field.
Right now, whether your conscious of it or not, your brain is
interacting with the unified field of quantum mechanics and your own
personal musings are firing off all over the place! They only exist
inside your head, for now at least.
only come into being when an observer brings space-time awareness to
the 'no-space'-'no-time' reality of the unified field, the concept is
inherently paradoxical. Musings are the fundamental unstable units of
thought. Tusslings are the fundamental entangled units of thought,
they only exist in paired 'units' and have a direct correlation with
entangled particles as described by quantum mechanics, quantum
entanglement specifically.
A clear
distinction is required between the polarity of musings which
emanate, or 'spin down', from the unified field and musings that
originate, or 'spin up', from the human mind. Observings and
Confusings are both categories of musing but with opposite polarity,
or spin. Their trajectory is spiral in nature. Observings are the
class of musings that originate from the mind of the observer and
spin up towards the unified field seeking a confusing. Confusings are
the class of musings that spin down from the unified field to meet
and counter balance (or unify and validate) Observings. All musings
are the product of the observer-field union, or relationship, but
they never truly 'exist' independently, they only ever exist as
tusslings. My apologies if this is difficult to grasp but these sorts
of difficulties are healthy!
only come into being, so to speak, because humans create Observings
with their mind. Observings and Confusings can only exist in pairs
they can never exist in isolation. As soon as an observing comes into
existence it's corresponding confusing also issues forth, from the
unified field, and they are both paired in balanced opposition to
each other. There is a natural repulsive force that ensures they both
remain in balanced opposition to each other. There is also an
attractive force that ensures they stay together as a paired unit.
This paired unit is termed a Tussling. Tusslings are
'observing-confusing' pairs and so have a neutral polarity,
initially. They have an initial valence of zero.
describe the fundamental paired units of thought which originate from
our minds by virtue of our having both a brain and a spirit.
Tusslings are the result of the brain-spirit pairing. Musings come
into being as a product of the observer-field relationship. Thoughts
are essentially 'born' as a result of these productive unions. The
brains and bodies of human observers do both receive and transmit
tusslings and so the observerings, and the observer, have a female
self perpetuating quality.
unified field on the other hand has a masculine quality and so emits
or transmits musings only, it cannot receive musings. The unified
field can only receive tusslings, it cannot produce them. The unified
field can only produce the class of musings termed confusings. The
human heart-mind pairing is used to understand these thoughts and we
manifest them into reality using our brain-bodies. Our heart-mind is
always tussling with musings and so tusslings seems like a term that
can be easily understood. Tusslings can be considered to have a
feminine quality with a negative polarity or negative spin.
and Quantum Entanglement and the Divine-Evil Relationship.
entanglement is a curious phenomenon that occurs when two particles
remain connected, even over huge distances, in such a way that
actions performed on one particle have a similar but reflected effect
on the other. For instance, one particle might be spun in a clockwise
direction. The result on the second particle would be an equal
anti-clockwise spin. It is a natural yet paradoxical and reflective
phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles interact in
ways such that the quantum
state of each particle cannot be described independently.
Instead, a quantum state must be described for the system as a whole.
Quantum entanglement exists only at the level of the quantum. It is
not subject to the temporal dimensions of space-time so it is, in
quantum reality, timeless.
Entanglement is the corresponding phenomenon that occurs when two
humans, or two groups of humans, remain connected even over huge
distances, in such a way that actions performed in relation to one
human or group have a similar but reflected effect on the other. For
instance, one human might steal from the other. The result on the
second human would be having something stolen. If the victim never
sees the thief again they are disconnected and that is the end of it.
If however the thief is caught by the police the thief-victim
relationship has re-established connection and thus becomes an
entangled relationship. Both parties having a shared common history
that makes their futures intertwined. The future of both thief and
victim having a similar but inverse effect on the other. The thief
might go to prison and the victim may be compensated or have their
property returned for example. It is a natural yet paradoxical and
reflective phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of humans
interact in ways such that the social state of each group cannot be
described independently. Instead, a social or emotional state must be
described for the system as a whole. This is a direct correlation to
quantum entanglement.
entanglement is timeless and happens in a no-time dimension so the
effects appear as instantaneous to human observers. Because humans
live in space-time, and are used to the effects of space and time in
their reality, this appears to be very weird. Social entanglement
happens at the human level of space-time experience and so it is
subject to a delayed response over time. There is no 'violence', as
we understand it, in the unified field there simply 'is', infinite
possibility. By this I mean at the fundamental level of the unified
field there is only possibility, all potential possibilities are as
equally likely as they are unlikely.
probability that an infinite spectrum of possibilities will collapse
to any given potential reality is entirely dependant upon the
introduction of an observer or group of observers. The musings and
the tusslings of the field and observer interact which serves to
focus and diminish the unlimited potentiality of infinite possibility
to an eventual probability of one. In plain English what that
essentially means is, a thought is born. This thought or idea is
brought forth from the union of observer and unified field
(observer-field pairing) into space-time awareness and thus becomes
subject to the physical realities of space and time. This is what
likely caused the Big Bang. It is paradoxical and so difficult to
understand but this must always be so, to ensure a healthy and self
regulated system or state.
will and intention human beings can focus on these thoughts and thus
manifest them into their physical reality. This process is subject to
time and so is not instantaneous. The process is spiralling, looping
and iterative. The probability that an idea will become a reality in
space-time is entirely dependent upon gaining the consensus agreement
of a paired or collective group of observers. If collective consensus
can be reached the idea can be accepted and eventually brought forth
into physical reality. This is why Star Trek can be credited for
inventing the smart phone. Millions of people wished for a personal
communicator and eventually humanity figured out how to make it so in
our own reality. The Star Trek universe doesn't use a money or a
commodity based economy like we do, it uses a gift economy instead.
We simply need a consensus of people to wish it was so and the
unified field and humanity will eventually make it so. Put plainly,
It's just the way it works!
stop watching the news excessively, it's gradually poisoning our
When the
power is both equal and opposite in an entangled relationship we can
consider it balanced and call it a 'Divine Relationship' or rather a
'Divine Entanglement'. In this case the valence is said to be zero
and thus it is neutral, stable and healthy. If the valence is not
equal the relationship is no longer divine and becomes increasingly
unstable. As the power disparity increases so does the valence, which
becomes either negatively or positively entangled. The greater the
disparity in power the greater the valence and the less divine the
entanglement. The only entanglement that can be considered divine is
one with a valence of zero, all other entanglements are to greater or
lesser degrees unbalanced. As the power becomes increasingly
unbalanced, the relationship becomes increasingly dangerous and less
divine. It may eventually become evil.
'Inequality is the defining issue of our time' President Barak Obama, 4th Dec 2013
individuals are inherently lonely and unbalanced. In the natural
order of things, lone individuals invariably seek to become balanced
through entanglement. This is rational entanglement. Rational
entanglements are positive and always tend towards divine
entanglement equality, as such rational entanglements are always
individuals or groups do however sometimes seek out negative
entanglements. This is not what one would logically expect and so
this is called irrational entanglement. Irrational entanglements
always seek to move away from divine entanglement and so they are
negative entanglements and they tend to be difficult. As we have
already seen difficulty is good for healthy development and self
regulation. Negative entanglements only become evil when they become
excessive. We therefore have two categories of irrational
entanglement, difficult and excessive (or evil). Difficult
entanglements are natural and healthy and can be tolerated to a
point. When difficult entanglements become excessive this is always
bad, excessive negative entanglements are all evil entanglements. I
would suggest therefore, as I did with violence, excessive negative
entanglements are unnatural and a sign that something has gone
seriously wrong, usually over a prolonged period of time. Excessive
negative or irrational entanglements are always bad.
Entanglement Theory - Part 2 - Some Practical Examples.
In social
entanglement, irrational entanglement can be attributed to fear or
greed. Fear causes psychological disturbance which can lead to
emotional states such as anxiety and hate. When excessive negative
entanglements are confirmed to be attributable to an individual or
group we usually put them in prison to isolate them. If such a group
happens to be a legal fiction such as a corporation however this is
not possible. In Law corporations are Persons with many, but not yet
all, of the same rights as a human Person. The human Person is also a
legal fiction but the relationship is one to one and so the human
being can be punished on behalf of the legal fiction. The legal
fiction that is the human Person starts with their Birth Certificate.
The legal fiction that is the corporate Person is a relationship of
one to many and starts with a Certificate of Incorporation. This
isn't so much of a problem when corporations are small, as they get
larger the problem becomes increasingly difficult. The situation as
it stands today has become evil. Multinational corporations are
in themselves not inherently evil nor is the Law it's the entangled
relationship which is inherently evil.
rights come responsibilities, we use the threat of prison to hold
people to account. The same is not true of corporations however,
corporations have no inherent fear anyway because they have no spirit
and are not alive per say. The only spirit a corporation has is that
invested in it by its employees who are human. The threat of prison
is no good for holding corporations to account. People can be
isolated when their behaviour becomes dangerous but we have no means
to isolate dangerous corporations, yet. This is critically important,
it's a dangerous social paradox which can be resolved through the
practical application of social entanglement theory. I will talk more
on this topic in later articles.
source of all evil is excessive negative entanglement.
individuals always eventually seek out entanglement. Sometimes these
entanglements are divine, more usually they are normal but all divine
and normal relationships have the potential to become unstable or
dangerous. A dangerous or evil individual can never cause evil in
isolation, this is what prisons are for. All human beings are
inherently unstable in isolation, Social entanglement theory can help
us to understand empirically why locking up large numbers of
'unstable' individuals with a few dangerous individuals is very very
Evil is
only possible as a product of dangerously unstable pairs or groups.
It is rarely simply the fault of one individual or the other although
there are exceptions to this. We live in a highly complex entangled
world, if an individual becomes so unstable as to become potentially
evil we may find fault in the increasingly dangerous relationships
that caused the evil state. There is only one exception to this and
that is when an when an individual or group sets out or seeks to do
evil and herein lies the paradox. This is the only time we can
consider an unstable individual or group to be evil. In all other
cases the unstable individual has simply gone into the world to seek
a complimentary partner, they are seeking an alignment towards a
balanced state. If the individual or group sets out to do evil acts
they are seeking an alignment towards a increasingly unbalanced
For as
long as the dangerous individual or group is isolated no evil can
occur because there is no dangerous relationship. When the dangerous
individual or group meets an other unstable individual or group a
divine, unbalanced or evil relationship will result. If this union is
highly dangerous and causes evil, such as murder, then the
relationship becomes evil, technically both individuals in the pair
are now 'touched by evil'. Due to the nature of murder causing the
death of the one of the individuals, it also causes the death of the
evil relationship, the evil relationship has instantly ceased to be.
The unstable victim that caused the death can now be legitimately
considered to have caused evil and so is evil. In isolation however
they are still merely dangerous. They need to be isolated and guarded
closely, it is always possible for a highly dangerously unstable
individual to be stabilised over time. An individual may have been
involved in an evil relationship but is not as an individual
necessarily evil, the only exception to this is the wilful intention
to cause evil by seeking out a sufficiently powerless partner.
In every
other scenario both parties are always responsible to greater or
lesser degrees for the evil product. The greater the magnitude of
that responsibility being inversely related to the relative valence
of the pairing. This essentially means that the greater the power
disparity, between the two individuals or groups, the greater the
burden of responsibility upon the powerful party, neither individual
is however inherently evil, only the relationship is inherently evil
and this is resolved by redistributing power so the relationship
valence becomes tolerable and less unstable.
ending the relationship or killing the other party does not address
the fundamental underlying social disparity which is the true source
of the disturbance. Ending the unstable or dangerous relationship
cleanly and severing all future ties does however bring that
particular entanglement to a conclusion. If that disconnection is
maintained there is no longer any risk of, the formerly dangerous
relationship, producing evil. Unless that is a reconnection is made,
at some later time, which serves to re-establish the dangerous or
evil entanglement. All of this can be easily understood using the
correct application of social entanglement theory as derived from
quantum mechanics.
Problem with North Korea
This is
why I would suggest that North Korea is very reluctant to reopen it's
difficult-ties with the rest of the world. It feels at some level of
experience, be it conscious or unconscious, that their entanglement
with the rest of the world lies toward the dangerous or evil end of
unstable, and they would be right. We all feel it too. The power is
entirely on the side of the rest of the world, the West in
particular. The power differential is enormous, any reconnection
reintroduces the entanglement and because of the considerable
differences in power it will be, at the very least, unstable. Social
entanglement suggests it is, in fact, a highly dangerous evil
relationship and thus prone to evil outcomes. If evil does result
then the powerful can easily point and assign blame to the powerless
and North Korea does not want to be scapegoated and held accountable
for something that was caused because of the relationship disparity,
which is what usually happens in these kinds of situations. We do
have different options and can start making better choices however.
Korea feels threatened by us in inverse but equal proportion to how
threatened the West feels by it. Interestingly North Korea herself
appears to reflect this dangerous relationship with the West
internally. The North Korean people are powerless and the government
is excessively powerful. North Korea is thus very well experienced in
the effects this kind of dangerous relationship brings along with
it's likelihood to produce evil. They may not understand why this is
so but social entanglement theory explains it empirically, it also
offers solutions.
I would
suggest the better approach to Korea is to support them in reducing
their power disparity internally first, simply giving them money will
not work. Neither will giving them weapons. We need to give them our
presence and listen compassionately without judgement. We should also
consider leading by example and do the same for ourselves first. Once
North Koreas internal entangled relationship becomes more stable they
will eventually open themselves up to the West. In parallel we need
to open ourselves up to each other. Love is how to do this, fear is
what closes everything and everybody down. Continuing to apply
external pressure is counter productive and will in the long run only
serve to make the unstable relationship increasingly more dangerous.
It's the dangerous relationships that are evil, not the individual or
unified nations. Neither the West nor North Korea are inherently
evil, their relationship is. If we want less evil in the world we can
only achieve this by paying attention to disparity and taking steps
to ensure equality in every area of our lives. This is the only way
to prevent dangerous relationships becoming evil.
Entanglement Theory - Part 3 - Emotional and Social States.
Entanglement theory explains why violence in the act of defending
oneself is the only reasonably valid excuse for excessive violence.
Violence in self defence is about redistributing power within the
relationship more equally. This pushes dangerous relationships back
toward the safe range thus reducing the likelihood they produce evil.
In the playground it is a desperate last resort against bullies. In
nature it is what happens when animals get cornered and their real or
irrational fear takes over. When violence comes from a powerless
people rising up against suffering and oppression caused by a
powerful government who has lost it's ability to hear reason and
agree terms, it is also self defence. Even if that violence is
perpetuated years later when no reasonable meaning can be found.
Violence against bullies is self defence yet nobody likes to think
their behaviour is that of the bully.
only reasonably valid justification for violence is self-defence.
mentioned earlier on that I would explore the emotional states of
fear and righteous injustice (or indignation) to explain how and why
violence happens. Violence generally issues forth from a small number
of emotional states. States of being that are reflected in opposition
to each other. Violence can come from more emotional states than the
two I'm about to outline now but I can't explain everything here.
After you read this whole article I hope that you will be in a better
position to be able to understand and fix things, not only for
yourself but for the whole human family. Just remember, to let go of
the deluded illusion, you simply close your eyes and breath deeply.
Then, when your good and ready, you open yourself up completely, in
love. Stretching comes later....but we're doing it for the kids!!!
violence comes from excessive fear. The fear may be real or
perceived, it just simply doesn't matter. Fear is fear and is
experienced as very real, whether it rational or irrational, by the
subject. Try not to ridicule a fearful person, it damages them and
deepens their emotional scars. Fear kick starts the fight or flight
response. The fight flight response sends a message to your body to
release hormones that prepare us for a particularly intense
potentially prolonged period of physical, or psychological, exertion.
If no physical activity occurs and the fear goes unresolved for an
extended period of time, the hormonal overload becomes toxic.
disorders, panic attacks and depressions are all evidence, to greater
or lesser degrees, of this. Our fight-flight stress response
mechanism becomes overly stressed indefinitely and we become
increasingly sick. Sometimes the very best thing you can do is just
freeze. Fancy another meditation yet?
closed system subjected to increasing stress or pressure will
eventually break or explode.
We don't
generally get taught to 'simply stop trying so hard', but look at any
animal. They don't simply attack or run away and hide, they pause to
consider their options. Knee jerk reactions are always caused because
of a previous emotional trauma sustained at a previous point on lifes
spiral. We learn bizarre defence mechanisms and get caught in
perpetual repeated cycles that do not work. Everyone should take note
of the teaching we can receive from animals. Many of them have been
around for much longer than humans and they feed and sustain us
daily. Vegetables are good for us too and give us vitamins and
minerals you can't get simply by eating meat. Lets stop biting the
hand that feeds us, please try to stop eating so much meat. I don't
advocate cutting it out entirely but we can live entirely meat free.
work only you can do.
fear is very difficult to pin down and it can only be addressed by
you personally, through your own inward self reflection. Other people
can help but the work must be done by you. Fear can produce
frustration, anger, rage and eventually hate. Irrational fear does
its job by conspiring with the ego to produce deluded projections.
Every single last human being is vulnerable and susceptible to this.
We need to have some compassion about for each others irrational
fears and behaviours. These fear based projections can manifest in
the most unexpected and horrifying ways. Racism is a clear example of
an irrational fear being projected. Racism is either real or
perceived. If it's perceived it's a projection that indicates poor
communication and snap judgement. This can be resolved relatively
easily with honest, clear and open dialogue
If racism
is real it's a reflection of poorly a integrated community or society
which is indicative of an invariably unconscious and underlying
insidious social sickness, I suggest this sickness is slavery. Racist
outbursts are simply a symptom of an unbalanced, poorly integrated
and inequitable society. An unbalanced and inequitable society is a
sick society. Racism is a strong signal to everyone that social
disparity needs to be addressed soon. We shall eventually come to
understand that. Real and excessive racism is an invalid response
which is symptomatic of poor integration and disparity, perceived or
actual, within the local or extended environment. Racism is a global
phenomenon and it both affects and effects people of all races,
colours and creeds. Racism is endemic and can be evil but is not in
itself inherently evil, it is rather a early warning signal. We would
do well to pay attention to resolving it, sooner rather than later.
Social entanglement theory offers us solutions that are both
appropriate and effective but we need to be patient for they will all
take time to bear fruit.
excessive racism is always evil however and is unhealthy on many
levels. It's unhealthy for the individuals demonstrating symptoms of
racist behaviour. It is unhealthy and dangerous for the people who
are trying to integrate themselves. It is also unhealthy for the
human family at large, excessive racism is ultimately bad for each
and every one of us. Racism rather is a social sickness produced by a
fearful disturbance within an individual or group. A disturbance that
stems from a lack of acknowledgement or a perceived misunderstanding
of the individual. Racism tends towards invoking an angry knee-jerk
response in the people it offends. Yet if one wishes to resolve
racism the required approach needs to be compassionate communication
and gentle integration. Increased application of pressure will not
work and only serve to make the problem worse. Excessive racism is
evidence of an underlying, psychologically unconscious, negative
spiralling loop with a variable feedback delay.
underlying issue produces a disturbed psychology of distress and
anxiety which is viral in nature and socially contagious. The source
of this disturbance is money, or rather money as debt. The value of
all modern money is derived entirely from debt slavery and it issues
forth entirely from corporations. It's time to look at this problem
too now, more on this later.
Righteous Indignation
to a terror attack is a good example of this. I would suggest this,
in contrast to racism, is valid. A response is necessary, a violent
response is not. If the violent response comes from an excessively
powerful state and directed at a comparatively meek state it is an
excessive use of force and so always evil. Any sense of righteous
injustice or indignation is a strong indicator of poor communication
and an unwillingness to accept responsibility. Both the learned or
powerful participant and the apparently ignorant less powerful party
are both responsible to lesser of greater degrees. The
powerful-learned participant however shoulders the larger portion of
the responsibility. Social entanglement theory establishes the
magnitude of the responsibility rationally. the magnitude of
responsibility being inversely proportional to the valence of the
relationship. In layman's terms, the more powerful party is culpable.
Righteous injustice and indignation has a natural tendency toward
justifying collusion, secrecy, denial. All are deceptive and all
eventually result in delusion, both personal and collective. This
tendency is extremely counter intuitive. It is also counter
productive and simply serves to cause an increase in confusion,
suspicion and frustration for both sides. We find ways to justify
confidentiality by claiming they are for the purposes of protection,
in reality confidentiality causes miscarriages of justice. Personal
privacy is important and safe but collective privacy is dangerous.
The larger the organisation the more dangerous the confidentiality
becomes. What is required to resolve righteous indignation is
courageous open and non-violent balanced dialogue, akin to dispute
resolution and that takes time.
very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society;
and we are
as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies,
to secret
oaths, and to secret proceedings.” John F Kennedy, 1961
to be clear Kennedy said this a full two years before he was
eventually shot by a lunatic. Whether or not the lunatic was an
individual or group is unimportant. What is important is that
something caused the lunatic or group to become evil. My take on this
is as follows.
will never be free,
we no longer feel the need,
conduct ourselves privately in secret.
It's time
to open BOTH your eyes and l**k clearly from a state of LOVE
rather than a place of fear which
is inherently and paradoxically confusing.
It takes
time for people to learn to trust each other after violence has
occurred. Whether the violence is just or unjust phycical or
psychological makes absolutely no difference. Depending upon the
level of fear and the sense of righteous injustice (which affects the
willingness and intentions of the powerful to listen to the
powerless) this will produce one of two outcomes. Either a
reactionary reflex response or a well tempered considered response.
The considered response is the wisest of the two and tends towards
balanced and contemplative mediation. Conversely the reactionary
reflex response tends toward an unwise, unbalanced and always unfair
outcome. The reflex response generally attempts to assert more
pressure to control the situation. This tends to widen the power
divide and if this is the excessively the case the reflex action is
always evil. These types of reflex responses only serve to magnify
the sense of injustice felt by the other side thus creating a
negative and spiralling feedback loop with a variable delay. A
negative feedback loop like that of a microphone and speaker feedback
this only increases disturbance further. This sort of reflex
increases the social valence and increasing valence is always
unsettling. From the powerful-learned position this produces a
tendency towards dismissal and an unwillingness to accept any
personal responsibility or liability for formally unconscious
mistakes and errors in judgement.
likes to admit they were wrong and governments are no exception.
Governments and Nations are very reluctant to ever apologise, this is
very unwise. It demonstrates a clear lack of wisdom and understanding
on the part of the apparently more learned and powerful individual or
group. Rather than displaying learned and rational behaviour they
tend towards believing and thinking simply and rashly. They believe,
because they perceived themselves to be learned-powerful, that they
know best and can't possibly have anything more to gain from moderate
peaceful engagement. This is an exceedingly unwise position to take
and does nothing to improve social valence. Because of the popular
and unintuitive sense of moral indignation and outrage the
learned-powerful tend instead away from acceptance and inward
reflection. In extreme cases they in fact move towards a perpetuation
of the very violence that caused the disturbance in the first place.
This may produce a temporary self satisfied sense of deluded victory
but in reality it only ever makes the social problem worse. For the
perceived ignorant-powerless it produces a dangerously depressive and
potentially suicidal state. This is why escalating gaps in power,
education and money, between the haves and the have nots is so very
dangerous. This is why we have suicide bombers in our midst. further
evidence of the auto immune disease I would suggest is called
When we
stop being fearful we see what's to LOVE
about the world and our disturbed personal projections onto an
external reflected environment eventually dissipate, eventually we
find peace.
'Be the change you wish to see in the world' -
Mahatma Ghandi
is very powerful, many would consider it too powerful. It believes
itself to be a force for good in the world yet over recent years it
has been, in many respects, behaving like a bully. So has Israel.
Israel-Palestine is a classic example of power disparity. A valence
that has gone right out of whack! Israel and Palestine are an
entangled pair. This is a clear example of what happens when the
powerful feel righteous injustice in the face of an irrationally
perceived 'ignorant' and powerless people. There is poor
communication on both sides and Israel is largely at fault, it keeps
building walls and increasing pressure in every way on Palestine.
Palestine barely exists any more, look
at this map. The powerless eventually lose hope and become
depressed and suicidal. This combined with a sense of having nothing
to lose is the cause of all suicide bombers let loose in the world
today. For the suicide bomber their psychology has been stressed
beyond the point of good reason or judgement, so why not blow up a
pair of buildings to give your life meaning and go out with a bang
instead. This is a tragedy akin to murder. This is collectively the
fault of the individuals and groups applying excessive pressure and
it's evil. It's no use simply pointing the finger at the so called
suicide recruiters, the tendency toward depression and suicide was
created, over a long period of time, somewhere else.
This type
of extreme psychological depression is caused, plainly and simply, by
the powerful refusing to behave or communicate well, they essentially
abuse their power and in so doing their behaviour eventually becomes
evil. Depression can also be caused physically if we lack sufficient
nutrition and don't engage in sufficient physical activity. The major
depressive disorders however, the ones that cause people to become
suicidal however are almost entirely due to some version of
psychological torture. Humans are good dealing with their space-time
reality, not so good at dealing with the 'no-space'-'no-time' reality
that we are all connected to via our heart-brain. Psychological
traumas all reside here. Social entanglement theory explains it and
can help us all to eventually overcome our own warped sense of
reality, it just takes a little bit of time and quite a lot of
personal effort.
appearances to the contrary this has nothing to do with religion.
Religion is an easy target for gross negligence and confusion but it
is not the cause. Religion is simply a smoke screen and a way to make
generalised excuses for bad personal and collective behaviours.
Religion is so very often used to lay blame at the feet of an
externally identifiable other. That's the wrong place to look, the
solutions are within us because they are all ultimately caused by us.
We are all the source of our own irrational fear and discomfort, we
continue to ignore this at our peril. We can solve all these issues
with social entanglement theory.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyses needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and of vigour has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. And I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days. - Inaugural speech of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933
reality there is nothing to fear but fear itself,
Please try to stop being fearful.
Be compassion.
Please try to stop being fearful.
Be compassion.
social entanglement theory these cause and effect behaviours become
obvious and predictable so can be avoided. Social Entanglement theory
can be applied to understand, prevent and eventually, I would
suggest, resolve all social entanglement issues. Using social
entanglement theory we can see how and why human violence happens and
take steps to prevent it from ever happing again, reliably using
scientifically derived models. Peace in the middle east is now
possible, it's simply an application of social entanglement theory
It won't
be easy, difficult work still has to be done, but we will be better
prepared and more able to work smarter on the right problems, rather
than working harder on the wrong ones. SET shows us empirically how,
why and what the real problems are, it's up to us as individuals and
groups to then shift our behaviours accordingly. Social entanglement
theory can show us all how to behave so we can move beyond violent
behaviours and achieve peace whether that be at an individual level
or on the international stage. This is a scientific method that I am
proposing. I am certain it will eventually be demonstrated to be
reliable and repeatable, it's simply a matter of time and awareness.
I need help sharing this information, I cannot do it by myself so I'm
passing it out and over to you...
number of possible social entanglements are potentially infinite, it
will still be difficult. The most essential and difficult work being
to looking into and at ones self-selves honestly for the purpose of
allowing emotional scars and chips to heal and eventually dissipate.
Self and group awareness is an inherently difficult aspect of being
human and that, is a very good thing! Humanity = Wo(Man)
Wo(Man) needs difficulties; they are necessary for health.
original quote can be proven empirically now, we don't simply have to
take his word for it. The implications for the fields of Science,
Business, Theology, Law, Psychology and beyond are quite simply
has served us well as a repulsive force but it is no longer doing so
it is also no longer necessary. We should focus our attentions
instead on Science and raising personal and collective Spiritual
awareness, an entangled thought-belief pair, which oppose and reflect
each other, largely respectfully, in a healthy entangled
relationship. That relationship is creative-evolutionary. It exists
in space-time and springs forth from the unified field of the
quantum. It produces our very reality itself. We can use this
difficult pairing to solve far more interesting and expansive
problems which I hope I have demonstrated and will continue to
discuss and demonstrate in later articles. We can potentially use
this Scientific-Spiritual pairing to solve the most difficult
problems of all Why are we here? What is our purpose? and how did it
all come to be? We might even come to understand where are we going!
Now that, at least for me, is really exciting. It's awesome!
In order
to explore quantum entanglement it was necessary for Einstein et al
to describe something called a quantum state. In order to explore
social-human-potential entanglement is necessary to define a
social-human-potential-state. I made a start on this a few years ago
in my essay entitled 'TheElogos'
which has proved useful to me personally in understanding myself
better. I'd suggest everyone needs to define their own psychological
state because it's different for everyone. I tried to make my
definition open and inclusive so it might be easily understood and
shared. I aim to demonstrate how the phenomena of quantum
entanglement can be used understand ourselves and our environment
better, why these cycles repeat in spirals and why both are essential
and necessary for evolution, creativity and progress to continue. I
will do this later in this series of articles and hope to eventually
produce a book on the subject, any assistance will be gratefully
collective planetary consciousness and immune system. Violence is
simply a symptom of social disparity or inequality. Any type of
disparity can lead to difficulties which can in turn lead to violence
but particularly so in terms of disparities of power and money. The
entirety of humanities social systems and hierarchies are predicated
upon mutually inclusive pairs in opposition, men and women, boys and
girls, individual and collective and so on. War and peace is not a
mutually inclusive pairing because you can only have one or the other
you can never have both. War and Peace are mutually exclusive.
If a
pairing is mutually exclusive it is a 'negative' entanglement which
can be considered to be confusingly destructive, If such a pairing is
excessive it is always evil. If an entanglement is mutually inclusive
it is 'positive' and positive entanglements are always constructively
creative. Power and money is another example of a mutually inclusive
pairing it should mainly result in constructive creation yet is also
leads to destruction and confusion, why is this? Well that's because
modern money is based entirely on debt. Money is debt, if you read
what it says on bank notes it states it in various flowery terms
depending upon where you live. 'The bank promises to pay the bearer
whatever amount', money is an IOU. Power and debt are a mutually
exclusive pairing and this invariably leads to destructive confusion
when the pairing is excessive.
In terms
of valence, the powerful do apparently benefit and the powerless will
in consequence suffer. In reality we all end up suffering, even the
powerful. All the governments in the world are in massive amounts of
debt. They, like everyone else in debt, have no real power, we simply
like to think they do and that is purely down to perception.
Appearances can be deceptive. We are all deceiving ourselves in spite
of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary and our inalienable
ability to reason. Humanities ability to reason has been
invaded by aliens. But the aliens not in space ships they are
constructs created by us. The aliens are the legal fictions that are
corporations and money. Both are a delusions we hold onto in the face
of an excessively negative and evil entanglement which has been
extremely confusing until now. Social entanglement theory can help us
unpick all of it and to clearly understand why it is so using the
proven scientific method. Thank you Einstein, for all of your
continuing gifts.
In summary :-
Social Entanglement
Theory can be used to identify, understand and resolve all social
problems faced by humanity, be they individual or collective, in an
empirical way; Excessive violence can be cured; Wars can be avoided;
Lasting peace can be achieved.
* *
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...Over to you. please
let me know what you think and feel free to share with anyone who may
be interested in World Peace and Psychological repair. Who should I
email this to? suggestions in the comments below.