"To think for yourself you must question authority
and learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable, open-mindedness;
chaotic, confused, vulnerability to inform yourself.”
― Timothy Leary
J'Zpzzt, your ATTENDlION please, your ATTENTION please.
Psszt, This is an ANNOUNCEMENT. Jzzt...
and learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable, open-mindedness;
chaotic, confused, vulnerability to inform yourself.”
― Timothy Leary
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Psszt, This is an ANNOUNCEMENT. Jzzt...
this transmission is case sensitive
mission is CasES senSITive
C as ES sen SIT i've
C E'S SIT, as sence i have
See ease, sit, as sense I have...dzzt.
Frequency Modulator stablising...
decoding cipher - online.
Translation Nanites receiving....
Personality Modulator activting...
Charisma protocols [intriguing; joyful; fun] engaging...
Illumination 0n print: Nanites transmitting...
thats better,
♥relax now, take it easy, sit down, enjoy the show♥
have some fun smile a while.
♥relax now, take it easy, sit down, enjoy the show♥
have some fun smile a while.
sense the enlightening experience,
a journey through Rhythm and Rhyme,
some of the time, but always with Love
♥♥♥♥ <O> ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ <O> ♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥ <O> ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ <O> ♥♥♥♥
I've got a few things I'd like to share.
To get off my mind...Can you open
I mean...what I mean is...
♥Can you open your heart AND relax your mind$♥
Critical Thinking: data stream inoculated.
Emotional Expression: valve matrix opening...
Fear Response Matrix: at 5% and holding.
Illuminati 0n Imprint: protocols engaging....
pzzt...conditioning complete...txt.
Bleep - - - Upload initiating....3....2....1...
'Shakespeare - The Complete Works' - upload complete.
Alpha Illumination Sequence engaging...
morality paradox excercise loaded.
To be or not to BE, that is the question
To see or not too SEE, is the difficulty, right?
Do you really see?…, you do see Right?
Or wrong.
Or wrong.
Or you
Right as Wrong
Or See
that wrong is sometimes right
Just as right is sometimes wrong
beep - Logic Matrix excepton - *warning* - does not compute.
Logic sequence rebooting...
Logic sequence rebooting...
TZ'zt...Hmm? thats odd, re-configuring...
<O> <O> <O> <O> <O> <O> <O> <O>
Bypassing THEOS conduit, re-calibrating pineal cortex.
Personality Matrix receiving. Transmitting Prototype 371L3 protocols, complete.
...Initialising, Second times a charm...tsst.
<O> <O> <O> <O> <O> <O> <O> <O>
Bypassing THEOS conduit, re-calibrating pineal cortex.
Personality Matrix receiving. Transmitting Prototype 371L3 protocols, complete.
...Initialising, Second times a charm...tsst.
Curiosity patch installed.
Confidence patch installed.
Irrational Creative Reasoning Patch installed.
Pattern Recognition Overlays installed.
Cognitive shielding protocols resequencing...
Sheilding releasing...
ELOGOS conduits open.
Acceptance expression markers rising.
Switching to Illumination sequence Omega...
It's not
too long a song in all honesty,
But know
that with absolute certainty,
Right and wrong most definitely ARE,
Right and wrong most definitely ARE,
two sides of the same, faultlessly faltering, coin.
ARE but, no but - Are but, yes but - are buts, no buts, no more buts
Get off your butts and SING!
Hymn, hmmm, him. Eh? What's he on about?
ARE but, no but - Are but, yes but - are buts, no buts, no more buts
Get off your butts and SING!
Hymn, hmmm, him. Eh? What's he on about?
What's he
doing? I don't know, but I don't trust him!
tzzt Warning!! -Paranoia response matrix overload.
!!Key String Projection detected!!...
Flipping Protocols...
!!Key String Projection detected!!...
Flipping Protocols...
Prototype 3L173 requiring restart,
Initiation sequences rebooting in 3...2...1...Realeezee....
Paranoia matrix decativated.
Symbol patterning relays online.
Pattern Recognition Analysis seeking....
To do or
not to DO, is the Doo-Do problem
And it
often results in painful or uncomfortable crap
shit! Of or in, one form or Another.
sometimes the results are !GOLDEN!
You do
know this right? ;)
If your not sure…try to relax,
Stop being so very serious,
It is meant to be fun ;)
Engage your sense of humour?
It is meant to be fun ;)
Engage your sense of humour?
when we think it,
It becomes IT and it IS,
So very Very VERY important.
It becomes IT and it IS,
So very Very VERY important.
solution? Well that’s a riddle too!
To do it
merely or meekly, uniquely obliquely
To do it
chicly, or weakly or indeed to not do it at all.
Seek and
ye shall find, or merely peek _.-*-._
-_-Y-_- to waste some loving time -_-♥-_-
A mere spittle of whittled prickles,
Tzzk. Symbol Analysis Interupt: results coalescing...
_.-*-._ expresses: being peeks over wall; star; stare; aware; <o>
-_-Y-_- expresses: two beings being together; Y=why
-_-♥-_- expresses: two beings loving together; ♥=love
<o> expresses: being with arms over head; looking; eye; I; joy; frustration
Symbol analysis complete.
Embedded String Analysis Interupt: results coalescing...
KEY LESSON 1. doing is painful or golden.
KEY LESSON 2. your being to sence-think is important.
KEY LESSON 3. becomes Very Well meekly or merely time.
Bleep...WARNING: Key lesson 3. expression exceptions - ambiguity; unclear:
Probability Grounding Matrix processing...
Analysis complete beep. (88% probability)...
Espresses: Manifests very well meekly; leave to time.
Key lesson 3. Report (96% confidence)
MSG IMPLIES: do it well meekly or leave it to time.
MSG IMPLIES: do it well meekly or leave it to time.
Embedded String analysis complete.
Proceeding... ttxxt.
A mere spittle of whittled prickles,
prittled prattled, nursery rhymes.
And the whines, whine on
And On ANON.
Down the line, drinking wine, being - fine?
But oh Oh! OH such precious time.
Time is the most precious thing we've got,
And we haven't got a lot!!
So pray, oh please do pray,
And the whines, whine on
And On ANON.
Down the line, drinking wine, being - fine?
But oh Oh! OH such precious time.
Time is the most precious thing we've got,
And we haven't got a lot!!
So pray, oh please do pray,
With party starting master
Seek to complete yourself today
So we can PARTY a little faster!
Seek to complete yourself today
So we can PARTY a little faster!
To love
Love and to be LOVED is an answer.
whatever you wish!
Don’t think about it too much,
Be with
it! Do, be it, then DO it
And then you
will really BE IT
And that is a solemn promise.
And as for wishes that come true?
Well they always come from the heart.
May the sun shine bright upon you all day long
And that is a solemn promise.
Tzzk, Fear matrix response - Suspicion markers rising...
Uncertainty Principle ascertaining...
Confidence Acceptance patch installed.
Ego/Humility patch installed.
Pressure Release protocols initiated.
Pressure Release protocols initiated.
Fear response markers....stablising...
Standby... tzzt.
And as for wishes that come true?
Well they always come from the heart.
May the sun shine bright upon you all day long
For so
much to go right and so little to go wrong
May those
you love bring that love back to you
And may
all the wishes you wish come true!
Language de-compositon re-coding...
Relational Symbol Data Filters processing...
Nanite Logic compiling...
Filters installed..seeking...
Filters installed..seeking...
Standby please... tssk
To _-b-_
or not to _-B-_ that is the question
To _-do-_
or not to _-DO-_ is the problem
To _-c-_
or not to _-C-_ is the challenge
_-2♥2b♥&2b♥’d- _ is the answer
That really is _.-D-._ answer
_-d-_ Answer my friend, is blowing in the wind.
_-D-_ ANSWER is blowing in the wind
_-be-_ _-c-_ _-Be-_ _-C-_ _-.-_
_-*-_ _-BE-_ _-♥-_ _-.-_
Tssk. Symbol analysis interupt.
Processing symbolic encoding. Results coalescing...
_-b-_ expresses: tertiary being = Elogotic capacity low.
_-B-_ expressses: primary BEing - Elogotic capacity high / essential.
_-do-_ expresses: tertiary doing - Elogotic capacity low.
_-DO-_ expresses: primary DOing - Elogotic capacity high / critical.
_-c-_ expresses: tertiary seeing; Elogotic capacity low.
_-C-_ expresses: primary SEEing; Elogotic capacity high / essential.
_-2♥2b♥&2b♥'d-_ WARNING: symbol complex does not compute, skipping...
_-D-_ expresses: THE; Thee; divine; we; breed; Deed; SEED.
_-d-_ expresses: the; duh; dunce; we; breed; dead; seed.
_-Oh-_ expresses: Omega; open; ohm; completion; elation; fear; see _-O-_
_-be-_ expresses: tertiary being; see _-b-_
_-Be-_ expresses: secondary Being - Elogotic capacity moderate.
_-.-_ expresses: Alpha; bowing; begining; gratitude; supplication; surrender.
_-BE-_ expresses: primary BEing; see _-B-_
Language transformation complete...
Language transformation complete...
Embedded Strings found: 0
Symbolic Expressions found: 14
Symbolic Expressions found: 14
Expressions resolved 13, no threats detected.
Expressions unresolved 1, WARNING**
**Threat Analysis: unresolveable expression exception.
**Threat Analysis: unresolveable expression exception.
** Risk to Mainframe: improbable in context.
**Resolution: disregard as unresolveable exception error.
Symbol Deciphering decoding complete.
Please standby...Tsskt.
Awaken to your own enlightened self
yourself permission to try. Figure it out!
And once
you do, for all most certainly can.
You will be - and once you be for long enough,
You will eventually see and when you do see
You will eventually see and when you do see
will know what must be Done
In being you,
You will SEE how to Do it
And once you overcome and succeed in your Doing
it's hard, plop! Ahhh))-
You will be
You will now be able to understand
You'll Be Able to grow
and you too will know
and you too will know
How to BE
the change,
That YOU wish,
To see in this world,
To see in this world,
And the
results of all your BE-ings and Do-ings
Will just
unfold, into the New DAWN. Amen
So pray
attention ♥☺♥!, Pay attention to the lessons.
For the
Lessons...well the LESSON my friends,
Is in the
wisdom, to _-?-_ or not to _-?-_
just use your head for questioning
Use your
heart for knowing as well.
but know before doing
it makes sense
THEE answer!
And love
is three,
Where-D's care-z's are yoo huh whooo?...PZzff
Space-Time Will Focus Divine Intent ;)
Space-Time Will Focus Divine Intent ;)
Shakespeare 1. - http://www.finebooksmagazine.com/
Shakespeart 2. - https://year6holbrookps.wordpress.com/
Shake spear 3. - http://www.cinemablend.com/
Credits picture 2
Eden - I'm Sorry, I can't find the artist.
Gratitude - https://pinoytaipeiboy.wordpress.com/
Credits picture 2
Eden - I'm Sorry, I can't find the artist.
Gratitude - https://pinoytaipeiboy.wordpress.com/
Children - http://www.writerscafe.org/
A Poet Performing - https://www.facebook.com/poeredtree/
Carl Gustav Jung - http://www.sobreavida.com.br
Sigmund Freud - advancedcognitivepsychology.blogspot.co.uk
Albert EinStein - el124.com
Sir Robert Boyle - Unknown artist
Sir Issac Newton - Unknown artist