I'm the guest for the last hour so jump to 2:03:00 for the start of my bit.
2:04 Transition from corporate exec to poet
2:05 Multinationl corporations, sitting on money, drug markets
2:06 The multinational problem, Irish banking crisis, fraud
2:07 Government manipulation, debt,
2:08 Tir Na Saor, common law vs. admiralty law, commercial spells, illusions and myths
2:09 The paper you vs. the flesh and blood human, birth certs, lifes pendulum
2:10 Connection, oneness, manifestation and Buzz Lightyear
2:11 Consciousness, 5 sense limits, conspiracists
2:12 The internet, joy vs. happiness
2:13 Depression, growth, learning, human potential
2:14 Service over self, communication, religions
2:15 Sacred traditions, the mountain analogy
2:16 Tree of life analogy, life lessons, programming kids for society
2:17 The flow of life, psychadelic plant medicines
2:18 Etemology of the words psychadelic and government
2:19 The swinging pendulum, drugs vs. plant medicines
2:20 Cocaine, recreational vs. medicinal drug use
2:21 Wholeness, sustance abuse, food, sugar, addiction
2:22 Creative Beings, Education, Science vs. Art
2:23 My Mum, learning, being disruptive
2:24 Personal beleifs, being oneself v.s the dutiful son, resistance
2:25 Losing friends, being evicted, grannys 100th, finding my way
2:26 Being frugal, learning through mistakes
2:27 Excessive governmental control
2:28 The tapestry of life, the matrix, miserable being on the dole
2:29 Miserable being wealthy, money as energy
2:30 New business and new love
2:31 Good intentions, karma, rebalancing oneself
2:32 Reasons for the economic collapse
2:33 Living frugally, being lonely and sad
2:34 Suffering, aliases, money
2:35 Unethical projects, antidepressants, Kinesiology
2:36 Muscle testing, how to understand the bodies needs
2:37 Stop watching he news, advertising
2:38 Media elites, numerology
2:39 Timothy Leary, The Psychedelic Experience
2:40 Inner reality, Bill Hicks, loving vibration
2:41 Unlocking dormant talent, festivals
2:42 My secret to happiness, loving oneself
2:43 reconnecting to self and creativity
2:44 Consensus reality, Transpersonal psychology, the problem with psychiatry
2:45 Measures of success, pharmacuetical side effects
2:46 defering to vs. challanging authority, personal psychology vs. the orthodox view
2:47 Dream time, Being
2:48 Frustrations and meditations, finding solutions, poetry
2:49 Family intervention, poetry saved me
2:50 Religous truth vs dogmatic nonsence, verse, sacred texts
2:51 Emotional response to art, relaxing, consciousness expansion
2:52 Calculus, light bulb moments, listening vs. hearing
2:53 Becoming distracted, repitition for learning and programming
2:54 Following your heart and using your head
2:55 Opening ones heart
2:56 Universal spirit and the universes schedule
2:57 Resistance
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