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In association with the Huni Kuin people of Novo Futuro, Acre, Amazonia, Brazil |
A very rare oppertunity to visit the Huni Kuni Tribe in thier remote Amazonian Village
Eskawata Kayawai V Festival of Healing & Transformation
17th-28th November 2018
Tickets for this Festival are No Longer Available
Now Taking Booking Deposits for Eskawata Kayawai VII NOV 2020 - £333 deposit required - 16 places only!
Click this to -> BOOK TODAY!!
Use your full name and Email address in the Transaction Notes
17th-28th November 2018
Tickets for this Festival are No Longer Available
Now Taking Booking Deposits for Eskawata Kayawai VII NOV 2020 - £333 deposit required - 16 places only!
Click this to -> BOOK TODAY!!
Use your full name and Email address in the Transaction Notes
Video of the first Eskawata Kayawai festival in 2014 - https://vimeo.com/155112674
Videos, Images and Music of the Huni Kuin Tribe, Txanna Ikakuru and
Chief Shaman Ninawa Pai Da Mata
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ www.amazoncalling.org ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Chief Shaman Ninawa Pai Da Mata
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ www.amazoncalling.org ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Wish to come with!?
Deposits are *fully refundable* until 31st August 2020. Ticket price is in Brazilian Reals so subject to change based on exchange rate, the price may go up or down but hopefully not by much. Final ticket price will be calculated using the exchange rate on 31st August 2020. Over payments will be returned and underpayments will be requested. Full payment of the outstanding balance MUST be completed by 1st Sept 2020 or the full deposit/amount will be forfeit and the place will be offered to the first person on the waiting list. If places are still available, late booking and last minute tickets may still be purchased at an increased price up until the end of October at the latest.
*Fully Refundable*(less the Paypal fees if you select Goods and Services, Buyer Protection)*
Additional funds raised through late payment and last minute penalties will be paid into to the Huni Kuin charity https://hunikuin.gvng.org/ , less the ILS administration fees.
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2018 TICKET PRICES 2020 prices might be subject to a small increase (unlikely to be more than 10%)... |
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Don't delay, BOOK TODAY!! ! *Fully Refundable* Booking deposits being taken for Eskawata Kayawai VII, November 2020, 16 of 16 places are left. £333 deposit required per person, click the BOOK TODAY!! link, to deposit using PayPal until August 31st 2020.
!!-Include your name and email in the transaction notes-!!
*Fully Refundable*(less Paypal fees if you select Goods and Services, Buyer Protection)*
Or alternatively, TO AVOID THE 3.5% PAYPAL TRANSACTION CHARGE, email inspyrd@gmail.com to request our direct transfer bank account details.
Organisation fees, river transport, food, accomodation and all activities, such as ceremonies, workshops and healing sessions whilst in the rainforest are ALL INCLUDED IN THE TICKET PRICE. Food, accomodation and transport costs to get yourself TO and FROM the BOATS, is NOT INCLUDED in the ticket price. You must organise getting to Rio Branco yourself, we'll take care of you from there. Unless you come via Cusco with your guide,in which case he'll guide you overland across the Peru-Brazil border to Rio Branco. Rio Branco is the closest city with an international airport. Cusco is cheaper to fly to, a lot more historic and has much better markets.
What you get! - The all inclusive trip of a lifetime. 8 days* on the river (5 in, 3 out), 12 days* living, working and playing with the Huni Kuin tribe in their village. Clean drinking water from the recently installed well, food, solar electricity for lighting and charging devices, no mobile reception for 3 weeks!!! (although sat-phones do work if you must), compost loos, showers (or swim and wash in the river, recommended) and moloko accommodations (wooden huts on stilts) PLUS...
Ayahuasca ceremonies most nights** alongside Rapé (true thought medicine, pronounced hapeh) and less frequently Sananga (true sight medicine). 2 Kambo (frog medicine) ceremonies at the tribes most sacred Sauma tree (a short walk into the forest) followed by floral baths. Possibly a Chilli Pepper (true voice activation medicine) ceremony, other ceremonies may be possible depending upon what is being suggested and by whom.The senior shaman and elder medicine women from the neighbouring territories of the Askaninka, Yawanawa and Shawadawa tribes will also be attending. Along with assisting the Huni Kuin Chief Shaman Ninawa Pai da Mata during ceremonies they will also be providing individual and group healings throughout the festival. Ninawa Pai de Mata is the tribes most talented and respected spiritual leader. The medicine elected him leader and has given him the most incredible and fundamentally powerful icaros (healing songs). Ninawa will normally be supported and assisted by Txana Ikakuru. Txana delivers Rapé more powerfully than anyone I've ever experienced, he is a master with this medicine.
Alongside all the transformation and healing ceremonies, there will also be trips into the jungle to collect the medicines and learn about the forest and it's wildlife. Workshops to learn how to make the medicines, as well as loads of dancing, singing and music around sacred fires as well as storytelling relaying the histories, traditions and mythologies of the ancient Huni Kuin culture who have been a tribe for over 10,000 years! They're obviously doing something right, come and listen to them! Hear their knowledge and wisdom. They know a lot more than us about living correctly as a society, sustainably and in harmony with the natural environment. I guarantee this is a trip you will never regret nor forget taking. It will absolutely elevate your life! Make a commitment today, and deposit.
*times may vary depending on river and weather conditions. we are visiting one of the most remote places on the planet. Mother nature calls the shots.
**Everyone will be expected to take part and drink a small amount of Ayahuasca during the Ayahuasca ceremonies. It's tastes horrible, you may drink as little or as much as you wish but under the direct guidance and supervision of the Shaman holding the ceremonial space. The other plant medicines are optional. No-one will force you to do anything against your wishes, however this is a medicine festival and we are going to partake in medicine work, we can play later during the day. The Chief Shaman will gauge how everyone is doing and decide which nights we will rest. Expect 8-10 ayahuasca ceremonies over the 12 days in the Village.
About the Company and some notes on Responsibility and Safety...
ILS is the company facilitating and organising this trip in association with the Eskawata Kayawai Festival organisers the shaman and the Huni Kuin Tribe who live in the remote Amazon village of Novo Futuro. You can contact ILS through our Facebook page InspiredLS. ILS will make available an experienced guide for as long as you choose to stay with him. Your guide for this trip is Stephen Ross, the ILS Chief.
Stephen Ross ('Muru' is his Huni Kuin name) will provide you with support, information and guidance leading up to, during and after the trip. He will be on hand to help resolve any issues you might run into and will take care of your general welfare to ensure you are as comfortable and well looked after as is possible. You are responsible for your own conduct, behaviour and for yourself specifically. This isn't a club 18-30 trip to Butlins or Ibiza. It'll be a lot more interesting and fun than Bultins and a lot deeper and more intensely loving than most trips in Ibiza. It may also be, at times, more difficult and uncomfortable than Butlins or Ibiza. We're going into the Jungle after all! This journey of personal and collective transformation is a full on proper adventure into the Amazon Rainforest, to one of the most remote villages on the entire planet. If you choose to act foolishly and ignore the guidance and instructions intended to keep you safe we will not be held responsible or liable for you getting eaten by a jaguar, bitten by a snake or stung by a fish. Follow the guidance and instructions however and you will instead be both strengthened and enlightened.
The village is safe and, so long as you are being respectful, you can do pretty much whatever you like there. The river is reasonably safe so long as you are sensible, there will be guidance about river safety before we get on the boats. Never go wandering into the Jungle on your own unless accompanied by an experienced member of the tribe or your guide. How you choose to get to Rio Branco in the first instance is your responsibility. Rio Branco is the closest international airport and the Capital of the Acre region in Brazil. You may choose to travel and fly with your guide via Cusco, Peru. If so he will be able to assist you the entire way from London until you choose to return.
Some background information about your guide, Stephen Ross BSc.
Stephen graduated from Edinburgh University in 1997 and spent almost 5 years working within the pharmacuetical industry as a project manager. He was intimately involved in designing and developing novel solutions for early and clinical drug development teams.
He eventually realised that the company he was working for had been behaving illegally. It was also actively engaged in suppressing cureative medicines, shelving promising drug research, and abusing patent law. Pharmacuetical companies prevent curative medicines coming to market to avoid loosing customers. If you cure a person of illness or dis-ease, they no longer need to take medicine. Curing disease might be good for people but it's bad for the pharmacuetical business.
Pushing drugs that relieve symptoms whilst also causing side effects is a much better business model. It's unethical and immoral but it earns Big Pharma £billions$ and £millions$ daily. There hasn't been a new cure for human dis-ease in a very long time. Cures just aren't good for business, better to exploit and cripple the NHS instead.
Stephen became very dis-illusioned about this so decided to try and quit smoking to make himself feel better. He took a smoking cessation drug (made by a competitor company) called Zyban. Zyban was actually a well known anti-depressant in disguise. It had a very different label and and an entirely different name. Stephen didn't know he was actually taking a 'mild' antidepressant called Welbutrin.
Had he known this he might not have taken Zyban at all, but Zyban was all the rage at the time. Before taking Zyban, Stephen was a fully functioning, arguably successful and healthy business executive. The consequential side effects of taking Zyban lead him to become clinically depressed. He started smoking again about a year into the depression. Nobdy seemed interested that Zyban had caused his depression not even his doctors who simply suggested taking more antidepressants to fix the problem which antidepressants had caused in the first place.
Stephen eventually
discovered a cure for himself in the Amazon. A psychadelic plant
medicine called Ayahuasca. Ayahuasca trips combined with 2 trips to the Amazon have permenently cured Stephen of
his depression, while at the same time expanding his creativity significantly. Stephen
was a poet before drinking Ayahuasca. The poem he wrote after taking just
one dose, The Ceremony, eventually won a competition which made him a Poet Laureate. His company Inspired Logistical Solutions offers hands on bespoke collaborative IT, logistics, and project management consultancy sercives including development, roll-out and implementation. If you can imagine it, ILS can manage, develop and deliver it, on your behalf, for you. Stephen is presently engaged as the Chief Solution Architect for best selling Author James Redfield's Celestine Vision. A vision derived, developed and continually unfolding as a direct result of his hugely popular first book, The Celestine Prophecy.
Stephen has been working with curative plant medicines for over 20 years and with Amazonian plant medicines for 8 years. This will be his 3rd visit to the tribal village of Novo Futuro and he has spent almost a full year travelling throughout South America generally. He eventually did quit smoking by using another amazon plant medicine, the sacred shamanic snuff, Hape. Hape acts a a nicotine replacement therapy and keeps his thoughts grounded and clear.
Email inspyrd@gmail.com for more detailed information on flights, diets,
what to bring and trip itineraries detailing where to be and at what time. This
is a very unique opportunity to gain access to the Huni Kuin's most sacred and
ancient knowledge of safely using the most powerfully curative medicines
available on planet Earth today. Stephen has been working with curative plant medicines for over 20 years and with Amazonian plant medicines for 8 years. This will be his 3rd visit to the tribal village of Novo Futuro and he has spent almost a full year travelling throughout South America generally. He eventually did quit smoking by using another amazon plant medicine, the sacred shamanic snuff, Hape. Hape acts a a nicotine replacement therapy and keeps his thoughts grounded and clear.
Sacred Rapé medicine ceremony in the Huni Kuin Floresta at Eskawata Kayawai III - 2016
Love, light and adventure,
Stephen 'Muru' Ross
+44 (0)74 1199 5927
ILS Chief & Travel Guide
Don't delay, BOOK TODAY!! ! *Fully Refundable* Booking deposits being taken for Eskawata Kayawai VII, November 2020, 16 of 16 places are left. £333 deposit required per person, click the BOOK TODAY!! link, to deposit using PayPal until August 31st 2020.
!!-Include your name and email in the transaction notes-!!
*Fully Refundable*(less Paypal fees if you select Goods and Services, Buyer Protection)*
Or alternatively, TO AVOID THE 3.5% PAYPAL TRANSACTION CHARGE, email inspyrd@gmail.com to request our direct transfer bank account details.
Pictures below taken on route to and during Eskawata Kayawai 3 - 2016
!!-Include your name and email in the transaction notes-!!
*Fully Refundable*(less Paypal fees if you select Goods and Services, Buyer Protection)*
Or alternatively, TO AVOID THE 3.5% PAYPAL TRANSACTION CHARGE, email inspyrd@gmail.com to request our direct transfer bank account details.
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